Terror (Wroteshaw)

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When reading this, remember that this book has been marked as having mature content for a reason. Also, I am not liable for any broken feels. Read at your own risk. Thank you. Also, I have never been to the UK, so don't judge me.

From the bits and pieces of panicked conversation I've heard around me these past few minutes, this isn't the first time this type of attack has happened. Even so, no one expected it to happen again. But the security in England isn't as good as it is in America, so it isn't surprising that this whole terrorism plane thing would work here. Of course they'd target the Tower of London. Of course they'd target the Tower of London the one time I decide to visit it.

I had to get out of the house though. Cal and Callux won't stop arguing again. It doesn't matter what they argue about. No one would be able to handle their constant arguing, their screaming. Sometimes I'd get unintentionally involved in their physical encounters, and while they'd apologize to me afterwards, I wish they'd stop arguing for good. But maybe they'll come to their senses after my death. Maybe my demise will result in something good.

I'm not focused on whether or not I'll get out of this building alive before the building collapses. I can't be focused on that. I'm also not focused on the people around me escaping to freedom. That's too painful for me. What I am focused on is the pain I'm currently going through. The piece of stone currently crushing my foot. The pillar pushing down on my shoulder. The burns on my skin from the explosion. The pain of knowing that I won't be alive much longer.

I'll never see my family again. I'll never get constantly teased by the Sidemen about how I never upload. In fact, I'll never be able to upload ever again. I'll never again laugh with my friends when something crazy happens. I'll never get the chance to get a wife, have some kids of my own, spend my last years with my wife in the local retirement home. All because one fateful night I decided to go visit some place I had no real reason to visit.

I try to fan the smoke in the air away with my free hand, but my efforts are useless. I breathe in the smoke, coughing when my lungs can't handle the situation anymore. I can't kneel down or run away from the smoke, so I cough while people run out of the building, not caring about me or what I'm doing for them. They run away because they're not trapped and they have a chance of survival.

"Mom!" A voice shouts amidst the chaos. "Mom!"

I look around and see a little boy, who looked to be about five, looking around and holding a teddy bear with tears streaming down his face. I wanted to cry for him, but my tears had dried out a while ago, when I had first found out I couldn't make it out of here alive. People trampled over him, yet he didn't move with the crowd. How has society become so cruel that people care about themselves so much that they ignore a child in need?

I so badly wish I can help the kid, but I can't. I don't have the strength to yell loud enough to tell him to run and I can't move. If I move, that kid is going to die. Everyone still here will die. I've looked around, and I know with certainty that the only thing preventing this part of the building from collapsing is the pillar I'm holding up with my shoulder. And I can't let that many people die because I want to live.

"Mom! Where are you?"

I wish the boy would stop screaming and run. The poor kid has a bloody nose from being trampled and now he's creating his own funeral by staying. I know that if he doesn't run soon, he is going to die. There's no way he's going to find his mom in this chaos. The tears come back and I'm sobbing. Here I am in my final moments and I'm witnessing a child slowly dying.

My phone buzzes and I manage to pull it out of my pocket with my free hand. It's a text from Vik. I look at it and want to punch something. This isn't fair. This isn't fair at all. It's not a life changing text either. It's just one simple sentence that reminds me of what I'm leaving behind. "You still up for recording Cards Against Humanity tomorrow?"

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