Turn Left (Branara)

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This is a really short thing that I wrote a while ago(1 to 2 years ago maybe?).  I don't remember where I was going with it, but I think it's good enough to be a short piece of its own.  Also, it's been forever since I've posted anything on here, so I figured I'd post something.  And no, this has nothing to do with Nascar.

Nothing ever really seemed right.  I mean, I felt happy sometimes, but it was so little compared to the ache I felt everyday.  It was almost like life's manager had given me a script I didn't want to follow but I had to follow it because I had no choice in the matter.  Even though I felt joy around her, I always felt uncomfortable around her.  Later on, I found out this was for a good reason, but I was confused at the time.  Why did everything seem wrong?  It all started when I met her.

Maybe I should've known that a relationship I had with a girl I met online would never work out in the end.  Three and a half years we had been together.  Three and a half.  Maybe the fact that our relationship was a long distance relationship was the problem.  After all, it's easier to cheat on someone you've been in a long distance relationship with.  I was a fool for falling in love with her.  I was a fool for falling in love with Karaline.

We met while playing CS: GO.  I had found romance in a game full of violence.  No wonder our relationship didn't last.  We bonded in the midst of violence.  The first game I saw her, I was playing with Mat, who was to the left of me.  Kara was on the enemy team.  I guess my first impression of Kara as an enemy was correct.  All I had to do to notice her skill was turn to the right.  I now wish I had turned left to check and see if there were any enemies behind Mat.  But instead, I turned right.  I turned right and saw her hold off five of my team mates on her own without dying.

I was in awe by her skill, but I couldn't let her get away with killing my team.  I now wish I had missed the headshot that killed her because if I had missed that shot, she wouldn't have noticed me.  That shot was the first time she had died in a CS: GO game in a long time.  I didn't know that then, but she told me that while I was dating her.  She apparently found me "impressive", which I guess is Kara-talk for "easily hurt" because that's all she had ever done to me.

I was sixteen when I first met her.  A gullible sixteen year old.  I thought that we would stay together forever.  I didn't realize that she'd stray away after a while.  I do believe she used to love me, which probably makes me more gullible than I think I am.  I really do believe she used to love me.  I guess our long distance relationship became dull to her after a while.

I was a happy man for those three and a half years.  She'd fly in to California to see me and I'd occasionally go to her.  The days in between ached me, but back then, the ache was worth it when I saw her again.  But now, I realize I wasted three years waiting for her.  I was the boy who waited, but I got nothing out of it.  Only a lesson learned.  Nothing more.

The break up is still fresh in my mind.  Of course, I had to be the one to break up with her.  I yelled at her over Skype.  I don't regret yelling at her.  What I do regret was wasting three and a half years of my life.

That's about it.  It's pretty short, but like I said earlier, I don't remember what direction this was going in, so it is how it is.  In other news, I'm considering creating an actual story on here.  It's more of a someone writing in a diary, but I'm not going to release any more info on it because I don't want to hype up something that is not guaranteed to happen. It won't be out anytime soon if that happens though because I want it all pre-written before I post anything.  Otherwise, updates will take forever.

I hope you all are having a great day!


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