Why Not? (AN?)

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So, UmbreTheWriter has this cover contest thing, so here are the entries to the contest that were promised. If you can't save the pictures/use them, please let me know so I can try and post these another way (I do have a twitter that I rarely use, so I can possibly tweet out these pics if this method of sharing pictures doesn't work, which it very well might not, but they are now forever in this book).

 If you can't save the pictures/use them, please let me know so I can try and post these another way (I do have a twitter that I rarely use, so I can possibly tweet out these pics if this method of sharing pictures doesn't work, which it very well...

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But yeah, that's about it

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But yeah, that's about it. Love me. And these random things I put in here are why this book no longer has the words "Oneshot Book" in the title. I am working on stuff to upload (wait, this book actually gets updated?) but I have an excuse I can use besides laziness! I'm currently in summer school, so that takes away a lot my free time (that I totally don't spend on YouTube and Town of Salem. Totally not...). Anyways, I'll stop rambling on now. Chao!


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