Brewery (Branara)

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This story is a homework assignment I have to do for English. We have to write a story based on a picture.  It's set in 19th century England and won't end with the most depressing ending ever. I wouldn't turn in anything like that to my teacher. Best part is my teacher won't even know this is based off of people on YouTube. So enjoy this one shot that isn't depressing for once. Sorry if it's short.

I walk downstairs to find my father waiting for me. He's been relying on me to help run the family business ever since my mother died. Even though we have few employees, my family owns one of the most successful local breweries around. Townsfolk much richer than us come from all over to buy many liquors from our shelves. It can be something as simple as Sherry or something as expensive as Amontillado. Second classmen like ourselves come as well, but they never buy anything expensive.

Father opens shop as I quickly down my breakfast. Business usually starts slow, then it speeds up as the day goes on, so it's not surprising that no one has come yet. I usually spend most of the morning making sure that the bottles are orderly and organized. Then comes lunch, which usually isn't much. Dinner is my largest meal due to business hours; we close at five each day, except for Sundays obviously. You'd have to be a fool to keep a shop open on the Lord's holy day.

I start to fix up the shelves near the door when a boy walks through the door. He is dressed in a long-sleeved white shirt with formal black pants and suspenders. His bright blue eyes scan the shelves as he tries in vain to pull his dark brown bangs out of his eyes.

Seeing the boy's discomfort, I walk up to him. "Hello!" I say. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

He jumps a little and quickly swerves his head towards me, first looking up, then down. His eyes meet my green eyes and we stare at each other for a while as I wait for him to answer my question.

"Well," he says. "My mother sent me up here to get something for my father's birthday." Makes sense. I've never seen him before today, so of course he'd be here for a special occasion. "Maybe you could suggest something? I'm Brandon, by the way."

"I'm Kara," I reply. "Are there any restrictions on what you can buy?"

"Nothing expensive," Brandon replies. "My father likes white wines, but not Bacchus* or Regner*, whatever that means. That's what my mom told me."

I smile a bit at Brandon's lack of knowledge about wine. Of course, I probably know nothing of his trade either, so we're even in that regard. "Follow me," I tell him. "I'll show you some options."

I walk to another section of the shop with Brandon close behind me. I go to the left, where the white wines are, and walk over to an area with less expensive wines. I wait while Brandon takes a look at each wine. He picks a couple and I rule out the ones with Bacchus and Regner right away. I also point out a couple wines that taste similar to Bacchus and Regner and Brandon puts those ones back on the shelf.

After Brandon analyzes all of the wines, asking me questions in the process, he finally picks one out. He pays for it in full and I lead him to the exit. I've sold a bottle already and it's not even nine yet. Father will be pleased even though the bottle was not that expensive. I put the money in a safe place and continue organizing the bottles of wine I was organizing earlier. I smile as I hope that Brandon will get wine for his father's birthday next year as well.

*Types of wine grapes(I looked them up online).

I'm so sorry that this was short, but it had to be handwritten so I didn't want it to be long. I mean, I took the time to write it, so it will be up here. This hopefully will be the shortest one shot in this book.


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