99 Nether Stars

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Okay, so this is not a oneshot, which is partially why I changed the title of this book...again. Basically, I made a parody to 99 Luftballons (there's not a recording of the parody, so don't ask, although a YouTube search can give eyou the original song. I don't like putting other people's work in my creations, so...) and the lyrics I made resemble the song and are to the tune of the song. The song is Minecraft themed written with a certain ship in mind, but no spoilers. There is a hint at one of the people in the ship in the lyrics though...

You and I in our little dream world

Plan our perfect future with the love we've got.

Our precious plans, they must go on

Because our dreams, they're not gone.

In the night, a disturbance outside

With the message, "Herobrine's here".

Explosions in the darkened sky

With 99 nether stars to find.

99 nether stars; we're hunting them down one by one.

Swords and bows at the ready.

Our friends' deaths will be avenged.

A wither comes, we spring to life.

Bows are ready, fire at will

Focusing them on the sky

With 99 nether stars to find.

99 is our great feat.

99 withers to beat.

We hurry, hurry, super-scurry,

All while trying not to worry.

Side by side, we fight them off.

Fight through the pain, though it's tough.

Barely escaping with our lives

With 99 nether stars to find.

Ninety-nine reasons to fight

With diamond gear to help us through.

The two of us are powerful,

Both of us unstoppable.

We search and we identify

All the withers that must die.

Eyes are on the open sky

With 99 nether stars to find.

With 99 nether stars to find.

99 withers are dead,

But now I have a broken heart.

No more fighting but I'm not satisfied

Because all my hopes have died.

If I could find something dear

Just to prove that you were here

And here it is, a nether star

With a beacon of red and blue.

Hope you enjoyed that. It was more of a poem than anything else, but you know, whatever. I'm not good at talking, or conversation, or making myself look good with comforting words. Probably a reason why so many of my stories are tragedies. There's always hurt, despair, pain, loneliness, that I shelter in myself and it doesn't go away.

Plus, I ramble too much. Probably trying to fill a void, an empty space. Maybe that's why I ramble on, especially on paper. On paper, there's no one who can stop me from filling in this void, whatever it is. I just... don't want things to end, but they do. Friendships, happiness life, they stop. They're finite. And I don't know how to either stop it or accept it. It seems like everyone else, they've got someone to talk to, but I'm the kid in the corner who is surrounded by people, but alone at the same time. I'll stop now, I guess. Love you guys.


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