Mistakes (Nooch)

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I honestly have no idea what to call this, but the title I have is okay, I guess. If I wrote this well, your feels should hurt after reading this, so you'll either be sad because of the oneshot or be sad because of my writing was terrible. I hope the first one. Or if you're not an emotional person, you won't really be sad at all. Who knows? I should stop right now. Yeah, you probably should have ignored this AN, but whatever. But yeah, this is an AU and stuff. Okay, bye for now. Just read.

Mat PoV

I recline back on my throne as I drink chocolate milk out of one of my many wine glasses. Life is perfect. I get to sit here and relax while my enemy tries to siege my enormous castle. And even if they reach the castle, it's going to take them a while to reach me. When they're exhausted from all of the traveling, finishing them off will be a piece of cake, especially with my body guards at my side.

I smile as I think of my previous victories against the pests coming for me. After I had ruled over them and gave them land and order, six ungrateful citizens had the nerve to rebel against me because of my taxes. I'm the one who stopped everyone from dying; I deserve my crown. They spoke out against me even though I did nothing wrong. All I did was keep peace throughout the land.

After they rebelled against me, I did what every leader had to do in that situation. I sent my troops to stop the rebellion. Instead of surrendering like they were supposed to, they fought back. And they all escaped. Well, almost. After the encounter, the rebels got more angry at me, but why can I say? It's not my fault the troops killed Vikk. I certainly didn't order them to kill anyone; I told my troops to bring the traitors to my castle.

After they escaped, I sent more of my troops to hunt them. And then other people started rebelling, but I've been able to control them, unlike the Pack, which is the name I have for the original traitors. They've managed to make it through everything I've sent at them including the general of my army, Pete, who managed to take down Jerome with him, but was defeated in the end. But this feud ends right here, right now. And I will reign victorious and peacefully rule my kingdom once again.

A guard runs up to me from outside my room. "Your highness," he says, catching his breath. "I am sorry to interrupt you, but the Pack is breaching the castle. What should we do?"

"Bring me my sword," I tell him. "And then rejoin your comrades in the battle. We will avenge the lives of everyone these traitors have taken from us, Pete included."

The soldier bows. "Yes, your highness."

He grabs my sword and then walks over to me and holds it out where I can reach it. I grab the sword out of his hands and thank him. He then runs out of my room and I sigh. Why can't people see that I'm making the world a better place? A world where there are consequences for taking someone's life. Where people have rights and are treated equally. A world where people are supposed to be happy.

I flinch as I hear the sound of glass breaking somewhere in the castle. It doesn't matter what crimes the Pack commit at this point because they're all going to die, but the sound ticks me off. They have the nerve to enter my home and destroy my stuff? My blood boils as I anxiously await the Pack's arrival. No matter how tired they are, it's still practically four verses one if they get to me.

I set my wine glass down, having finished the chocolate milk within the glass. Another wine glass with chocolate milk is immediately set on my table as a servant, who is paid by the way, takes away the dirty dish. I pick up the new glass and start drinking from it as the fighting gets louder and louder, signifying that the Pack is getting closer and closer to my room.

The six bodyguards in my room pick up their weapons to prepare for the battle. I look at my desk and look at the picture of Pete closely. In the picture, he's in his battle gear and is ready to go fight the Pack. There's a warm smile on his face and his brown eyes are sparkling. A couple tears fall down my cheeks when I think about the fact that's he's gone, but I wipe them away before anyone notices.

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