The Sweet Escape (Vikklan/Ministar123/Emon)

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I swear, this was not meant to be a Halloween special. It just turned out that way. So no intentionally scary stuff and this is not meant to be a horror story either.

I've decided to make a songfic for once cause I figured this song would be perfect. Bold=song, italics=flashback and regular text=present day. Bold plus italics=author's note. My author's notes will always be bold and italicized by the way. Hopefully you all enjoy this. Also, song doesn't belong to me, it belongs to Gwen Stefani.

Also, warning, the story might get a little smutty, but not too much if I know myself. Definitely language because it's the Sidemen, so duh. Also, Upset!Vikk equals lots of F bombs. Also, some depression stuff. You'll see.

Vikk PoV

If I could escape, I would, but first of all let me say. I must apologize for acting stank and treating you this way.

I ruined everything. I know I did. I hit my bed in frustration and begin to cry. I didn't fucking mean it. I really didn't. Everything happened so fast. It's been a month, and I haven't had any alcohol since that fucking night. The worst thing is I didn't even drink enough to forget what happened. And now we broke up last week because of it. I'm so sorry for hurting you.

Cause I've been acting like sour milk all on the floor.

"Vikk, are you okay," Lachlan asked me. "You know I love you."

"I'm just tired," I yelled. "I'm fine!"

"Okay, I can see you're stressed," Lachlan said. "Don't be upset. I'm here for you."

Oh, I wish that is still the truth. I can only wish.

It's your fault. You didn't shut the refrigerator.

"Vikk?" Lachlan asked.


"Has there been anyone else? I know we're far away and all, so I thought maybe you--"

"Lachlan," I cut in. "There hasn't, and there never will be, okay."

Maybe that's the reason I've been acting so cold.

"I'm sorry," Lachlan said. "I've made you more upset, haven't I?"

"It's fine," I replied. "I need to edit. I'll talk to you later."

If I could escape

Even before it happened, Lachlan always had doubts. I guess he was right to. I wish I can take it all that shit back. I wish I never went to that fucking bar that night. I don't know why I even wanted to go. I guess I didn't want to be home alone while the other sidemen got drunk. I mean, I could've recorded something on my own, seeing as Lachlan was asleep and the other four pack members were in their own recording, but I guess I decided to be a fucking idiot instead.

And recreate a place as my own world.

I finished my stream and admired how far I had progressed on Vikk Towers. It was comfortable to get away from all of my troubles. I looked over at the Salty Shack and felt a connection when I thought of it's owner. 'No way I'm in love with Lachlan,' I thought to myself. 'That would be weird.' But the Vikklan fan art in the sky gave me thoughts that suggested otherwise.

Who knew that one day, everything would fall apart at the seams? I certainly never thought that then.

And I could be your favourite girl forever. Perfectly together.

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