Deals (Miniminter)

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This idea has spawned from the depths of my mind, and I'm not sure how good of a thing that is.  I started writing it some time ago and then found it and realized that it existed again, so now you guys are blessed or cursed with its existence.  Not sure which one yet.  Maybe you guys can tell me.

Simon PoV

I lightly tap on Vikk's door, not wanting to be too distracting if Vikk happened to be recording.  "Vikk?" I say.  "We need to talk about our recording schedules.  You in there?"  I'm greeted by a bit of moaning and no acknowledgment of my presence.  "Vikk?"

When Vikk doesn't respond again, I open the door and my jaw drops to the floor.  There's two sets of clothes on the floor, complete with shirts, pants, and underwear.  I also catch a glance of an opened box of condoms and an opened tub of lube.  In Vikk's bed under the covers, Vikk and Josh are sucking each other's faces and occasionally moaning.  I take a couple of pictures for blackmailing purposes and close the door.

"We'll talk later," I mutter to myself.

I go up into my room and lock the door just in case the rest of the Sidemen get home early or the two lovebirds stop sooner than I expect.  I go onto my computer and see that there is another response from a couple of my victims.  I send them reassurances of my fake love and I even send one of my skeptical clients a tiny bit of money I know I'll get back. 

I'm not like most scammers.  Most scammers come from foreign countries and are often rash.  They sometimes come up with bad excuses to try and get money.  Because someone is definitely going to believe you need money because of a catastrophe that doesn't exist.  Like really.  You've got to completely earn their trust first and if they are solid people, get out of there.  Pray on those who won't see it coming and end the relationship before they suspect anything.  Always stay under the radar and don't take too much from one person.

Even though my profits from each victim I have are usually between $100 and $5000 depending on my victim's social status, I usually earn about $100000 a month due to my wide range of victims.  Add what I earn from YouTube and I'm set.  And with all the money I earn, I'm low on the police radar.  Only one of my profiles has ever been suspected and when I found that out, that profile was gone without a trace.

I hear the rest of the Sidemen come in and I delete my Internet history, which all too common a practice with my job.  I exit the room and I see Josh and Vikk come out of Vikk's room.  Their hair is messed up, but they otherwise look like they weren't fucking each other earlier.  I smirk as I take out my phone and text Vikk one of the pictures I took with a winky face.  I try not to laugh as I see Vikk's face turn red when he looks at his phone.

Ethan comes up the stairs.  "We brought back Nandos if you're interested," he says.  "Your usual orders, of course."

"Josh, can you bring up my food as well as Simon's?" Vikk asks.  "Simon and I need to talk about something."

"Sure," Josh says.  "I need to talk to Ethan about recording schedules as well.  I know you two were going to do that today.  Come on Ethan."

Vikk drags me into his room as Josh and Ethan go downstairs.  When I enter the room, everything looks the way it normally does.  I'm impressed, considering what I witnessed earlier.  How long has this been going on?  I guess it's a habit for them now like it's a habit for me to hide my Internet history after each round of scamming.

Vikk stares me in the eye.  "Okay, what's with the picture?  When was this taken?"

"Today," I say.  "I was going to ask you about our recording schedules.  I even knocked."

"How loud was this knock exactly?" Vikk asks.

"As loud as all of the other ones," I say.  "So, we're recording GTA and Cards Against Humanity together tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Vikk says.  "And please don't tell anyone that you know about us.  Especially Josh.  He'd freak out if he knew."

I raise an eyebrow.  "You're going to have to owe big time if I do this, you know.  And I don't mean with money."

"Fine," Vikk says.  "You need something, you let me know and I'll get to you when I'm available."

"Glad we're on the same page," I say.  "Is GTA at three or four?"

"Three," Vikk says.  "I'm streaming How to Minecraft at four.  And Cards Against Humanity is at six."

"And Josh and Vikk time is at five," I say.

Vikk stares at me for a while, probably deciding whether or not to kill me.  After a while, he smirks.  "Nah, Ethan's still home at five.  Josh and Vikk time is at seven."

"Good to know," I say.  "Any other things we need to record?"

"We're good," Vikk says.  "You got your eye on someone or not?"

"No," I answer truthfully.  "I'm not focusing on that part of my life.  I'm prioritizing other things, like YouTube."

There is a knock on the door.  "Come in," Vikk says.

Josh enters with our food.  I take this as my cue to stand up.  "Nice talking to you Vikk," I say.  I take my food from Josh.  "I've got some editing to do.  I'll be in my room if you need me."

I exit Vikk's room and Josh closes the door behind me.  I know that Vikk wants alone time with Josh and it would be awkward if Vikk, Josh, and I were forced to have a conversation where all three of us are trying to hide the same secret.  Better to let the reality of it all sink in first.  Besides, I need to see if clients are waiting.

As I go through all of the messages, I can't help but think that the conversation between Vikk and I was so much like a business transaction.  Yeah sure, my "business transactions" are sketchy, but they don't involve blackmail.  Maybe if I had sounded like more as a friend?  Or was it okay because we were doing YouTube formal talk at the same time?

I sigh and push away my worries.  If this whole thing goes south, at least I have some leverage to get myself out of a tough situation.  At least I have the foundations of a backup plan.

So... yeah.  Shft.  And now I go back to my solitude of extremely rare uploads.  I guess it was good while it lasted :P


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