Demigod Youtubers (The Pack) Part 1

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What I'm about to post is the beginning of an unfinished story I started writing years ago.  I'm posting this in parts, mainly because it would be way too long if it was all one part.  The last part is going to have a really abrupt ending because, like I said, this is an unfinished story, so don't be too surprised when I announce that it's the last part.

This is a cross over between YouTube and the Percy Jackson series; it's Youtubers at Camp Half Blood.  Maybe I can also post the plans I had for this book thing that I don't have the stamina to write anymore, but I don't know if I want to do that yet.  We'll see.

Brandon(PeteZahHutt) PoV

The Poseidon cabin is lonely, like usual.  Children of the Big Three are ultra rare, so it's astonishing that I even exist, much less an additional son of Zeus to boot.  Before this point in time, except for the olden days where, as Chiron would put it, caution was thrown out the window, there has never been a time in which there has been more than one child of the Big Three in existence with the exception of twins.  But there definitely has not been a time which there has been two children of the Big Three with different godly parents.  Except for now, of course.

I tend to spend most of my time these days with Kara, Lachlan, or just alone.  Kara because she's my awesome girlfriend, and Lachlan because he's Zeus's child, and both of us are pretty much loners.  We eat at the same table(with approval of Chiron of course), and do everything together like we're in the same cabin, which I feel like we are.  We tell each other everything, but it's more like we force each other to tell our secrets.  I'm better at finding out secrets than Lachlan is, but I share my secrets with him.  Well, I share most of my secrets with him.  There are two or three secrets I haven't told anyone about, but let's not get into that.

Plus, all the fame with being a child of the Big Three would be impossible to live with without Kara's and Lachlan's support, but mostly Lachlan's support.  Kara is great and all, but she can only sympathize with me.  Lachlan, on the other hand, knows exactly what I'm going through.  Having someone to dump your problems on is great.  Also, I sometimes complain to Lachlan about relationship problems, which is something I obviously can't do with Kara.  That would just be awkward and would most likely result in me no longer having a girlfriend.  So don't do that, Brandon.  Don't do that.

The day Lachlan had been claimed had mixed feelings with it, but in the long run was a good thing for me.  This was back before I was dating Kara and I had no one to hang out with.  I was always depressed and never in a good mood(well, duh I was never in a good mood.  That's what "always depressed" means).  The teasing and ridicule had become too much for me.  My emotions were a wreck that day, and learning who Lachlan's godly parent was first added uneasiness and definitely shock, then happiness to those emotions.  I smile at my memories with Lachlan, the good and the bad we have been through.  If it wasn't for him, I'd be a wreck and I certainly would not have the skills to get a girlfriend.

I wave my hand and begin to exercise my powers, something I don't get the chance to do often.  Water appears out of thin air(not really, it's just water vapor turning into water, but let's pretend), and I turn it to snow.  I clench my fist, compacting the snow, and fling my hand up, like I'm throwing something in the air, so the snow falls like natural snow does.  Because my mother is a sorceress, I have the ability to do many things other children of Poseidon in the past could never do and some abilities that are rare in Poseidon's children, like shape shifting.  I relax as the snow falls down.  I haven't told anyone about my enhanced powers, not even Lachlan or Kara.  They only know I can control water and heal myself with it(like every other Poseidon kid that ever lived).  Oh, they also know I can breathe in water.

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