Waiting for the Rainbow (Poofless)

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I know Preston will never love me. So I don't know why I even hope anymore. What's the point if I know it will never happen?

Preston isn't interested in guys, and he never was or ever will be. He's for sure a hundred percent straight. He's only dated one girl in his entire life named Sara, which was his downfall. From the beginning, I never liked or even trusted Sara. In the beginning though, the hatred was only because she was dating the person I loved and still love deeply. But as each day painfully passed, I found other reasons to hate on Sara besides envy. I still remember the day I discovered that most of what she told Preston was meant to deceive him. The day I saw Sara's true intentions.

I overheard a phone conversation between Sara and one of her friends from high school. The phone was on speaker phone because Sara heard phone calls more clearly that way, so I heard the conversation from both sides. The majority of the time, the two trash talked Preston, and I recorded the entire thing. At the time, I didn't know what for, but I felt like I needed evidence that I wasn't crazy ftor not liking Sara. But of course, that recording couldn't do anything.

I was furious, but there was nothing I could do because Preston wouldn't believe one bad story about Sara, especially not the truth. And if I shared the recording, Preston would think I edited it or something like that. He thought Sara was an angel. But really, she was a devil in disguise or worse, waiting for the ripe moment to destroy Preston's happiness for all eternity. And I could only watch in pain as Sara lured Preston deeper into her trap. Sara only ever wanted the fame and money. She never truly cared about Preston at all or how he felt. And when the time was ripe, she would shatter Preston's heart into a million pieces.

I always hated it when Preston, Sara, and I used to be in the same room. Sara would tell Preston she loved him deeply and Preston, hopelessly buried in love, would say those words back and actually mean them, unlike Sara. Every time that happened, my heart would ache for what I will never have, and for what a liar stole from me. Preston never saw the unmistakable signs. Every kiss, Sara's eyes would stay open, never passionate, but deceitful. Her smile never reached her eyes when saying she was happy being with Preston. Preston cherished Sara, but Sara never felt the same.

The uneasiness was worse when Sara and I were alone. She'd act innocent and sweet, while at the same time bragging about how lucky she was to get Preston as a boyfriend. When it was just the two of us, Sara found no need to hide the mischievous glint in her eye. I guess she thought I was that stupid, but I was only scared. I lied in saying that I was cool with the couple because I didn't want Sara to use my disapproval to ruin my friendship with Preston. If you're wondering where I got the idea from, Sara's phone conversation might be a thing you want to consider.

But still, despite all of that, I should have done something like try to talk to a third party and ask for advice using generic terms. It wouldn't hurt if no one suspected who I was talking about. But I didn't do that, and I didn't do anything because I was scared. Before I could work up the courage to do something, everything fell apart. When Sara finally chose to cut the relationship off, Preston's heart broke into tiny pieces too small to glue back together, and it was all my fault.

To make matters worse than they already were, Preston's family supported Sara. They said the break up was all Preston's fault, even though it wasn't. Sara faked the convincing tears and not only shattered Preston's heart but turned his family against him. His family called him a failure. But what was worse was his family calling him a monster, because apparently only a monster can hurt an innocent maiden.

Except Sara is the opposite of innocent, although she is technically a maiden, but that doesn't matter. She's the devil's maiden, or perhaps even the devil's more evil wife. Preston always tried to stay strong through the ordeal, but I always saw through his disguise. In the inside, he was broken and had given up hope. Sara broke him far beyond the breaking point. Sara was Preston's everything and now she's gone in the worst way. If it wasn't for me, Preston would have probably done the unthinkable by now.

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