Airport (KSI)

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JJ was in an airport, wanting to go to his destination.

His flight kept on getting delayed until it was eventually cancelled.

JJ was very depressed.

The airport people gave him a ticket for free food, which helped a little.  But he was still sad.

He had to schedule another flight, which meant staying at the airport for hours.

JJ didn’t want to stay at the hotel for hours.  He wanted to go to his destination.  He had a schedule for the convention, and he didn't want it to get messed up.  But today was not his day.

JJ cried many tears that day.  And no one was there to dry them.

This made JJ even more sad.  All he wanted was to go onto the plane away from the airport.  He just wanted to go to his destination.

Life is cruel.  Life is a monster.  Life is evil.  Luck is fleeting.

Nothing ever goes the way it should be.

JJ wondered what he had done.  What karma was associated with this?

Why world?


Help meh plz.


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