The Minecraftian Apocalypse (Setosorcerer/BajanCanadian)

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This oneshot is long in the making to the point where it is ridiculous.  I started writing this before I got a Wattpad, and this statement is true for only one oneshot in this book, and that's “Waiting for the Rainbow,” which is the only oneshot I have on both here and  I made this because I have a poll on asking what youtubers people want me to write about and both Mitch and Seto were selected.

Also, this is a platonic story, which means the story is not based on romance although it is briefly mentioned (No Mitch x Seto).

Key(for this story only): 
Normal text=Seto current PoV
Bolded text=Mitch current PoV
Normal underlined text=Seto flashback
Bolded underlined text=Mitch flashback

I never intended for everything to die.  But it happened anyway.

I close my eyes, but the destruction refuses to erase itself from my mind.  I know that my anger caused this.  But I didn’t realize I could do this to the world until it was too late.  Now I’m alone, and I have no chance of mending my relationship with the others.  Because they’re gone.  And I had killed them.  Everything’s gone.  Everyone’s gone.  And it’s all my fault.  Because I messed up.  And that changed the world.

I look around me, and see what my actions have done.  If it wasn’t for me, he wouldn’t have done this.  He wouldn’t have killed everyone I held close to my heart.  But it’s still my fault.  I angered him.  I caused him distress and he in turn unleashed his powers. 

I never mended my relationship with him.  I cough, due to my throat being dry for the past three days.  There’s no water anymore.  It’s a miracle I survived this long.  Everything’s gone.  Everyone’s gone.  And it’s all my fault.  Because I messed up.  And that changed the world.

I wonder if anyone else may have survived, but I dismiss the idea immediately.  There’s no way anyone else could have survived.  Though the heat is unbearable, I refuse to take off my robe, despite the lack of people.  I still wish not to reveal my face to anyone, even my closest friends.  Well, they were my friends.  But then they betrayed me and after that, I did something far much worse. 

I remember Adam’s screams, the horror on Jason’s face, Jerome’s desperation when he told Mitch to run away as Jerome protected Mitch, but no doubt Mitch later perished from the heat.  I never found his body, but I didn’t search for it either.  I never saw Ian or Quentin, but I’m certain they didn’t survive.  I close my eyes and think of the moment when everything fell apart.

I called upon my powers and the magma deep inside of the earth erupted out of every mountain.  People screamed, but I paid it no mind.  All I wanted was revenge.  Oh, I’d spare Ty, the only one who cared about me in my time of despair, but everyone else is to be eliminated.  I smiled at the screams of terror as one body after another perished into the lava. 

These people who hadn’t even bothered to care about me don’t deserve to live.  I laughed as thoughts of Team Crafted slowly dying came over me.  They had betrayed me, and they deserve to feel the pain they gave me.  Every last bit of it.

Tears blur my eyes as I think of my recklessness.  I had killed everyone, even people who didn’t deserve to die.  Yet I had smiled as I killed them, laughed even.  Purple swirls of magic flow around me, matching my agitated mood.  Yes, I suffered, but all those people didn’t deserve to die.  Even Team Crafted didn’t deserve that fate. 

I begin to sob.  I wish I can travel back to the past and fix everything, but I can’t.  Now I’m the bad guy.  The person that ended up destroying the Earth.  Now, I’ll never be able to walk among the forests with friends, because there are no longer forests and everyone is dead.

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