Airport Part II (KSI)

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Just when you thought the crappy complaining story was over.

JJ was just about done with this day.  And he hadn't even gone anywhere yet.

Sure, he got a new flight, with a stop in between.  Sure, he was on the plane.  But this plane has issues too.

They're not mechanical this time though.  Something went wrong with the fuel, although JJ didn’t pay attention to exactly what.  He just wanted to get where he wanted to go.  He didn't want to have to deal with this crap.

He didn't want to wait anymore.  He just wanted to get to his destination, get into his prepaid hotel, and then lay down without a care in the world.

Maybe he could branch out and get a direct flight instead of waiting?  Was that possible?  JJ hoped so.  Maybe he could talk things out without losing his patience, which at this point was growing thin.

Why did everything fuck up?  Why him?  Why today?  What about everyone who wished him a good flight, everyone who was counting on him?  He already had to cancel a meet up because of this stupid airport crap.  He could only hope that the rest of this trip would go well.

What else could go wrong?  And why couldn't this all go the way he wanted it to?  Ugh.

Oh yes, think of the starving children in Africa who aren't so fortunate.  Think of them in the depths of your despair.  They’ll help you see a perspective on life.  Look on the bright side.  At least you aren't starving.  At least they gave you free food.

That didn't help JJ one bit, no matter how hard he tried.  This was just a shitty day, that's all it was and that's all it ever would be.  A day to laugh back on, perhaps.  Remember that time I got stuck in an airport for about 12 hours, remember that?

He would remember, all right.  He would remember this complete waste of a day.

Please excuse the ranting "Airport" series.  If things go well from here, there won't be a third part.  If there is a third part, you'll know why. 


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