Chapter 1 : Girl Chat

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Lucy's POV.

"Hey Yukino." I smiled and waved.

"Hi Lucy." said a monotonous like Yukino.

"What's wrong" I asked.

"It's Sting, he kept me up all night" she replied.

"Oh... WAIT WHAT !?" I yelled, I was shocked.

"I never knew you and Sting were..." Yukino cuts me off.

"No, not like that Lucy !" She yelled.

"Oh" I said confused.

"Sting's the blonde dragon slayer twin right ?" I ask.

"Yes" she replied.

"Let's sit down and talk about this OK ?" I ask.

"Of course" she said "I want to clarify what happened Lucy"

Yukino's POV

"Why would Lucy think that ? Good thing she wants to talk about it, I want to clarify." I thought.


After there conversation, Lucy and Yukino walked to a nearby café and sat out side. Lucy got a cheeseburger deluxe (wonder where all that fat goes for to stay so skinny...), and Yukino orders a milkshake.

Lucy's POV

"So what did you mean when he kept you up all night ?" I ask.

"It's just, after the Grand Magic Games, he's been really protective." She proclaimed.

"Does he like you !?" I asked curiously

Yukino blushed and said "I don't know..."

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