Chapter 4 Part 1 : Lucy's POV

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Lucy's POV

"What was that !? Why's my heart beating faster !?"

I run to my apartment as soon as possible.

"What did I do ? How could I do that !?"

"Why.... did that kiss feel good ?"

"Why.... do I want more ?"

"What am I supposed to do !?!?!?" I began to cry.
Time lapse

A few minutes pass.

Levy's POV

"Lucy ? Are you in there ? It's us, Levy and Canna. Please let us in ?"

As she opens the door we see Lucy, her eyes are bloodshot with tears.

"Oh Lucy...." said Canna as we hugged her.

"What am I supposed to do Levy !?"

"What am I ? Chopped liver !?" Said Canna

"Canna !" I yelled.

"No, she's right, I'm sorry. It's just..." Canna cuts her off.

"Here.... Drink." she held a flask.

"What is it ?" Asked Lucy

"On our way over here I bought you a flask and filled it with beer..." Said a drunk Canna.
As Lucy took the flask, Canna passes out finally hammered.

"Canna !" Lucy yelled in worry.

"Don't worry Lucy, let the drunken hag sleep." I said.

"Now, what's wrong Lucy ?" I asked.

"I don't know what to do !? I never kissed anyone, let alone Natsu. He was my first kiss and... and... I" Said a teary eyed Lucy before being cut off.

"Just screw him already, it'll feel good. Ugh." Said a drunk Canna before returning to sleep.

"Canna !" I yelled

"Haha" Lucy finally let out a smile, thanks Canna...
Hey, sorry about the kinda perverted part Canna said. I mean, what else would you expect a DRUNKEN Canna to say right ?

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