Chapter 17 : A bright future... Together.

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"Lucy... Wake up" I whispered seductively into her ear until she woke up.

"What ?" Her eyes widened as she realizes what had just happened and where she is. We're in the cave we went to on our vacation, her hands tied on the bed. "Natsu... Let me go. Please ? I beg you. I'll tell them (specifically Erza) not to hurt you." She said.

"Lucy, come on babe, I only did it so I could get you away from them. I'm sorry for what I did, but it was the only thing I thought of to get you away. All I want is to be alone, alone with you." I said hugging her. "I just want that, is that so bad ? I'm sorry." I started to tear up.

"No, no it's not. You could have atleast have told me before knocking me unconscious. I want to be with you too, but I'm scared. I don't know what's going to happen later in the season, but I'm glad I'm with you." She said. My hearts filled with joy.


"Lucy, I need to ask you something." He said as he untied the ropes.

"What is it Natsu ?" I asked.

"Lucy, I loved you ever since I saw you. When we made our team, I couldn't be happier of the fact that, I could be with you and see you everyday. So Lucy Lynn Heartphillia.... (Yes, I made her middle name 'Lynn !' It's pretty. Just say it 'Lucy Lynn Heartphillia') will you, marry me ?" He said.

"He just purposed !?" I thought, but all I could do is cry, cry tears of joy.

"I shouldn't have done this ! I'm sorry Lucy." He said as he turned away, I grabbed him before he could leave.

"Yes..." I said. Then he hugged me with tears in his eyes.

"I love you Lucy. You are my everything." He said as he gave me my ring.

It's a beautiful rose gold ring. With a huge, sparkling diamond. Surrounded by the smaller, also sparkling, tiffany blue diamond that's in this cave. It's memorizing, but there's something in the center diamond.

"It's gorgeous Natsu" I began to shed tears. "But what's this in the center diamond ?" I asked.


"I asked Gajeel and Yukino to help make it. Gajeel and I made it by hand, even that diamond; not the surrounding ones, as you can see around you. When we made the diamond, I put a spell on it. When I'm close it will glow brighter, and when you need me, I'll be there. I researched two different spells. A celestial spell Yukino had cast called: Aphrodite's glow; and a dragons spell called: A mates longing. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. When Canna said you were my mate. I couldn't believe it. I was so happy, yet so scared. That's when I began making this ring, knowing that this day, right now, will finally become reality. I wanted you to know that I really love you and it isn't me being affected by the season. You've made me the happiest man in the world Lucy. I love yo..." I said before being cut off.

"Natsu !!!" Said a very pissed of Erza. As she stabs me with a sword while in her Fire Empress armor.

"Natsu !" Yelled Lucy as I fell to the ground.

"There, you're safe now Lu..." Said Erza before being cut off as Lucy smacks her. Bad idea Lucy.

"What the fuck is wrong with you shit for brains ! He brings me hear to purpose-" shows Erza the ring. "-, is in the middle of saying the sweetest thing ever, and you stab him !" Said an enfirriated Lucy, more pissed off than Erza.

"He what !?" Erza, Gray, and Lisanna yelled. (Gray and Lisanna are behind Erza.)

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