Chapter 9 : My first love

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"If you love me now, then you'll love me (senseless) tonight." I said

His eyes widened.


Lucy's POV

He fell on the ground unconscious as blood gushes out of his nose.

"Natsu !" I yelled.
Time lapse
5 minutes

Natsu's POV

As I woke up from the haze, I couldn't move. I was tied to Lucy's bed with my scarf, and I was shirtless

"What's going on" I notice that I'm shirtless and tied to a bed... Lucy's bed.

"Oh so you finally woke up ?" asked a familiar voice, it was her, it was Lucy.

"You pinned me down to talk to me, so I'll do the same." she replied "Now I want you to listen to me." As i saw the seductive smirk on her face, I couldn't help but blush.

"I love you too Natsu, and I couldn't bare it if something happened to you either. Which is why I'm not killing you." She had said

"But Lucy..." I said before being cut off.

She kissed me.

"Shut up Natsu. I'm not going to kill you. You said you didn't want to hurt me, but if you die, it would hurt so much worse. I can't and I won't do it." She starts to shed tears.

Dead silence in the room

"OK Lucy, I understand, untie me."

She untied him

Timelapse till after she untied him.

"Natsu..." I pinned her to the bed. "What are you doing ?" she asked.

"Lucy, you know mating season's not far away, and the reason I came hear is to tell you how I felt and that if I do something I shouldn't, I'm sorry. I still need to know two very important things from you Lucy." I said as I leaned closer to her ear.

"Number 1 : Will you be my girlfriend ? Number 2 : will you go on a dinner date with me ? I'm starving.

"haha, you're an idiot if you thought I'd say no." She said with a smile.

My face lit up.

"Oh Lucy, I forgot one thing." I said.

"What is it ?" she asked.

"Why am I shirtless ?" I saw her face turn red.

"It's in the wash, you got blood on it. That, and you're REALLY HOT. she replied.

I felt my face heat up.

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