Chapter 14 : The Move.

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"Hey Natsu ?" Said Lucy.

"Yeah Lu ?" He asked.

"Why do I have to leave again. ?" She asked.

"Because, Dragon slayers get very overprotective of their mates. We tend to both, increase and decrease the local population..." He replied.

"What does that mean ?" Asked Lucy.

"The term 'mating' (uses finger as air quotes) is self explanatory. The decreasing...." He hesitated to respond

"Decreasing as in what ?" She continued to ask.

"Remember when I said 'overprotective' earlier ?" He asked.

"Yeah ?" She questioned.

"Well first off, we tend to destroy everything in our way of being with our mate. Second, we harm those who approach, or hurt our mate..."

"Aww that's so sweet Natsu." She says blushing.

"How is that sweet ?" He asked.

"The fact that you'd do anything to make us yours and to, kinda, protect us from harm. It's kind of like you were to confess, a little extreme but still." She said with a sweet voice as she leaned in to kiss Natsu on the nose.

"Now where do we put the cleaning supplies ?" Asked Lucy.

"Under the sink, but until you move in, I'm actually gonna renovated some so it'll be nice." Said Natsu.

"Aww" said Lucy.

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