Chapter 16 : The Plan, Natsu's plan

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"Guy's we have a problem" said Erza.

"What happened ?" I asked.

"Master established a telepathic link with the drivers for when the Dragon Slayers leave, he's on looking for you Lucy." Said Erza. "I just realized we made a big mistake." She continued.

"What was that ?" Said a scared Lisanna.

"The tires. They're leaving tracks. I think he's coming close" replied Erza.

"How so ?" I asked.

"Because I'm right here babe." Said Natsu through the window.

"Hey cutie." I say back. I turn my head back and my eyes widen. "Natsu !?"

"Hey babe. Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything. Promise." He said. We decided to stop, but we were cautious ! We made sure he wasn't going to pull anything.

"How's your mating season" he asked with a sweet smile.

"F-Fine" I asked, still nervous.

"Still scared ? Come here." He came up and hugged, he felt so warm, I hugged him back.

"Why did they have to hide us anyway ?" I asked still enveloped in his arms.

"It's because we get really horny." He said seductively, hugged me tighter.

"Can't breath N-Natsu." I said loosing my breath.

"Natsu, you're hurting her !" Gray said.

"Am I Lucy ?" He said with his sweet smile. "If so, I'll take you somewhere so cana feel better. He continued as he spread his wings and flew of with me in his arms.

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