Chapter 2 : A mission with ONLY Natsu !?

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Hey, this is my first fan fiction and I want to know how I'm doing, and I want to get your ideas (in case of writers block) so please comment your opinions !?
Lucy's POV

When I got back to the guild Mira told me that there's a mission for 100,000.00 jewel ! Catch is I need to take atleast one fire wizard....

I smirk "Oh Natsu...." I said with a devilish smile.

Natsu's POV

"Oh Natsu..." I heard Lucy's voice. My heart's beating faster "why" I thought.

"Watsup Lucy ?" I said with a smile.

"Umm.... Natsu.." she said... "Is she blushing !?" I thought

Lucy's POV

"Umm.... Natsu.." Wait ! Why am I blushing !?

"Um, will you.... go on a mission with me ?" Why is it getting harder to speak ?

Natsu's POV

"Wait, She can't like me can she ?" Wait !

"This is for rent isn't it" I asked. Why I'm I disappointed ? "Get a hold of yourself Natsu !" I thought.

"Can we just go !?" She yelled.

Normal POV

Lucy tries to get Natsu to move by pulling on his scarf, little did she know what would happen. She didn't want to embarrass herself anymore, she knew Mira would taunt her with her blushing later. As she pulls the scarf and Natsu stands, he trips taking Lucy down with him. Along with an unexpected surprises... A kiss.

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