Chapter 6 : Seductive hell.

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Normal POV

Dead silence in the room, broken by tears.

Lucy's POV

I start to cry, am I supposed to be with Natsu ? Am I supposed to hide ? Will I get out of this, baring Natsu's child ?

"Their is one way to tell when it's started, their eye color match their affinity." Said a scared Levy. "Me and Canna are going to tell Sabertooth what's going on, Good luck."

Natsu's POV

"What ? What's going to happen to me ? Am I going to hurt me guild mates ? Will I hurt Lucy ?"

"Before I go, there's something I forgot to say." Said Levy. "Master, I need you to go and find people to protect the mates. Put the stronger ones with Lucy, specifically S class wizards. Be cautious, during this time the dragon slayers gain certain... characteristics. Including."

"Like what ?" Lucy hesitated to ask.

"A dragon's. It can either be scales, claws, fangs, and wings. Or it could be all of them, depending on how powerful the dragon slayer." Said Levy. "Also they emit strong pheromones that only there mate can smell. And when they mark you, it establishes a telepathic link between the two. Which is why the mates need to be guarded." Responded Levy.

"Sorry if I leave anything out, there's so much information to process." Said an apologetic and concerned Levy. "Me and Canna will take are leave. Good luck."

"Girls start packing, I'm sending you somewhere to keep you safe." Said the master.

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