Chapter 25: The Honeymoon

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Narrator POV

Natsu and Lucy leave the ball room and go to there room for the night. They change into their towels and go to their rooms private hot spring (Media).

Natsu's POV.

We get into the spring and relax we sit side by, me having my arm a round her, her head on my chest and her left. The both of us just enjoying the spring together. Until...

Lucy's POV.

We sit in the spring relaxing, and it's nice... but it's boring as fuck. I want excitement, I want fun, I want sex. Come on it's own wedding night Natsu, take a hint. Gray is getting some and you aren't. You're the groom for Mavis's sake.

Looks like I have to take things into my own hands... Literally 😉.

I slowly lower my hand into the water, and quickly grab his **** through the towel. He quickly turns red.

"Lucy ?! What are you doing ?" He asks in shock.

"Taking initiative." I say as I undo the not on his towel and rub it.

"Lucy." he moans.

"What ?" I ask innocently.

"You're gonna make it  happen again." He said.

"What do you mean ? Is it that mating season dosen't end until the Dragon Slayer going through it knows that a child has been convinced ?" I asked knowing the answer.

"Don't worry, I won't take your magic limiter off, just yet 😉." I said winking at him continuing my handy work.

He continues to moan even more and louder.

"I know you don't last as long with your necklace on. Which is why I want to finish this as soon as possible, so we can take it to the bedroom." I said into his ear.

Natsu's POV.

Shit this is hot. My wife pleasing me on our wedding night. I can feel the pain. This limiter is trapping the magic inside of me and won't let me go Dragon Force. I can feel the magic burning inside, wanting to be free.

"I can't take this anymore, I'm about to-" I said but was cut of by my pleasurable release. I can see my seed tainting the spring.

Lucy's POV.

"Looks like we're done here. Let's take this to the bedr-" I said but am cut off by Natsu picking me up and running into the room (media). He then throws me onto the bed and reaches for his limiter.

"No, not yet. I'll be back." I say and start walking away, closing the screen door. (Look at the media, its the same one in the photo. The entire wall is a traditional Japanese screen wall, I just couldn't fit the entire photo in there.)

Good thing I packed this little number, bought it especially for tonight. Thanks for going shopping with me Mira, you're more useful than I thought.

"Requip." I whisper.

Natsu's POV.

When she left the room, I couldn't help it, I was staring at her. I wanted her so bad. She is, and always will be, my everything. I have no doubt about it, she will be an amazing mother to our children. I look at the screen to see if she's coming in. What I see is not what I expected. I see her shadow through the screen. She must know I can see her through it because she's dancing seductively, teasing me with every movement she makes. Then she goes to the door at the center, and pushes both of the sliding doors open with great force. As soon as I saw her my member inflated like new, and as big as it will go with this damn limiter on me (she's wearing the lingerie in the Media). It's like shackles, I want it off. I go to take it off when she grabs my hand and...

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