Chapter 15 : and so it begins...

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At Lucy's apartment, Natsu kicks the window open.

"Lucy get up, It's an emergency! I yelled"

"Natsu, what the hell !? Is was having a dream about... never mind." She said.

"Mating season starts at midnight and you haven't even packed !" I explained as Lucy's eyes widened.

"Oh my $π∆+ !" She yelled.


The two ran frantically trying to pack everything that they could into as many suitcases as she can take.


After a few hours of packing.

"Do you have everything you need Lucy ?" I asked.

"Yeah. Let me check off..."

She begins her checklist.

What I'm going to put on when you find me..." She muttered the last part, but I could still hear it.

"Lucy !" I yell due to surprise.

"What it's just my special underwear ?" She said holding them up in the air as a tease. (Remember when Natsu, Gray, Happy, and Erza are in Lucy's apartment and find her underwear drawer ? If you don't, I put a video in the 'insert media' box at the top to watch. It's only 40 seconds. )

My eyes widened. "How is that even underwear !?" I asked in shock.

"I don't know. Find out, when you find me." She said winking at me.


All the mates are all at Fairytail, even the mates for Sting and Rouge.


All the mates and Dragon slayers are gathered at Fairytail, including Sabertooth's Dragon slayers and mates. Their mates were Yukino of Sabertooth and Kagura of Mermaid Heel. Master gave them an Odor Lacrama to block there scent. He said :

"Listen up brats. We have designated people in each S.E. vehicle. (Remember the S.E plug Erza used to power a magic vehicle.). A driver, and guardians. Now get a move on. Dragon Slayers in the guildhall so you don't know where they go.

Before that happened, Lucy tried loading her suitcases and one fell open on the ground. The one with 'special' underwear.

Most fell unconscious from a nosebleed, while others, including me and master yelled :

"How is that even underwear !?"

Lucy was frantically fixing her suitcases while me and the other Dragon Slayers went in the guild.


In my car, there was :

• Erza > Driver
• Gray
> Guardians
• Lissana

I learned a bit of Creation Magic from a book in the library so I brought my doll Michelle (A.K.A imitatia) just in case.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Hey/Hello Lucy." They all said in unison.

"I hope you don't mind but, long story short, I got a book from the library on Creation Magic and brought Michelle/Imitatia. Is that OK ?" I asked

"Yeah, but why ?" Asked Gray.

"She's like a younger sister to me, and is powerful. So I thought to bring her incase we needed help." I proclaimed

"Oh." Replied Gray.

"So where are we going to hide ?" I asked

"Crocus" Erza replied.

"Uh oh" I said abruptly.

"What is it Lucy ?" Asked Lisanna.

"Natsu might look for me there." I replied.

"How so ?" asked Erza.

"We had our first date there, you saw us Erza. He'll look for my scent, new or old." I said.

"Well, it's been a while so your scent should be gone by now." Said Lisanna. "Including the fact that he's an idiot." Gray added.

"Haha, yeah he can be pretty dense at times." O said

We all laughed while on our way to Crocus.


It was turning midnight and the transformations began. By the time it finished they looked like halfbreeds. We couldn't hold back anymore, they escaped. While Natsu , useless, looks for a scent to follow. Leaving the guildhall destroyed.

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