Chapter 18 : Secrets revealed.

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Natsu purposes, he gets stabbed, yadda yadda yadda. On to the chapter !!!

"I had hoped I could keep this secret for as long as I could, but now I can't. You gave him a very fatal injury Erza, not even Wendy can't fix this." Said Lucy

"What are you talking about Lucy ?" I asked

"About how I am. I didn't want to reveal it because everyone I meet is always scared of me. My mom collected all white God keys and earned the title of Celestial Goddess. After one is chosen, the title stays in the bloodline until their are no heirs left to inherit the thrown and the process is repeated. I was crowned the title when she died." She said crying.

Everyone looks at her in shock.

"Why didn't you tell m- ahh" I couldn't finish the question because of the pain from the injury.

"I was going to, but I was too scared. I was scared that you would leave me. I was scared that I would be shunned again." She said.

"Ahh." I yell from pain.

"I need to heal you first, then I'll explain." She said as she pulled out a white key.

"Is that a..." Said Erza.

"Yeah, it's a God key." She said. "Magic limiter, release !" As she said that, the ring on her right index dissolved into nothing. At that moment she sent a power force of energy flew around the area. "Stardress, Aphrodite !"
As bright light appears and surrounds the God's key. The key jets through the air like a arrow, until it pierces Lucy's chest and turns as if it were to unlock something inside her. With that the light gathered over Lucy and creates a Magic circle with the planet Venus at center (Venus and Aphrodite are the same goddess. Different name for a different civilization.).        Shooting a bright light, down, at Lucy; as the light faded she wore Grecian robes, her hair had pink highlights and a heart tattoo under her right eye.
"With this kiss, heal the one I love so much." She chanted and her lips began to sparkle. She kneels down and kisses me. I feel enveloped by the golden light, and my injury heal away. It felt amazing; like it was me, and her, no one else.

She pulled back and said "Stardress, undo." and she went back to her normal clothing, and we both blacked out.

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