Chapter 10 part 3 : The date

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They look at Erza and in shock as Erza looks at them the same.
"Erza !?" Lucy asks in shock

" What are you doing hear !?" We both ask in unison

"Im investigating a strange magical energy. It was in Magnolia, and we followed it hear to Crocus." Said Erza

Lucy looks at me in shock

"What about you two ?" she asks as she winks

"Oh nothin' much, just having dinner" I say with a smile

"You sure. I promise I won't tell Mira-Jane." She says with the She-Devils smile.

"Yes, We're Sure Erza." Lucy winks as she says this.
Erza takes our order and leaves us alone.
"Natsu... do you think..." I cut Lucy of with a kiss.

"It might be, but for now it's just the two of us, remember ?" I say with a smile on my face. "Now where were we ?" I say seductively. We make-out until our food arrives.

"Here's your food." Erza says with a smile.

As we are our food, we stop and eat our food. Lucy ordered the Smoked salmon with white wine, while I order the Filet mignon with red wine.

Erza said "Enjoy your meal." I notice a note on my plate. It said "Natsu, I wont tell anyone what I saw. It's you and Lucy's business, not mine. Although, if you hurt Lucy, you will no longer be a man when im done with you. Enjoy your meal ;)" I gulp real loudly and burn the letter in my hand and continue the date.

For desert we split a chocolate ice cream. Lucy orders a cappuccino to go with her ice cream.


After we eat, we pay and go.


We walk around Crocus for a while to let our food digest. Lucy looked cold so I gave her my Blazer and scarf. "Thanks Natsu." She said. "No problem." I replyed. As we walk by a flower stand I walk over and buy her a white rose. Saw her face light up. so she grabs my scarf, puts it around my neck, pulls me close, and... she whispered "Where do we end this, my place or yours ?" and she winked with a seductive look on her face. I couldn't hide my blush. I just kept getting redder and redder. I kissed her and said "Yours." with the same look on my face as her.


Hey everyone. I asked If I should do a lemon and i decided to ask my friend, who said yes. so the chapter AFTER NEXT will be a lemon. The reason the next chapter will be really short is because Im putting the lemon on the chapter after so you can avoid it if you dont wanna see mature content.

Update over.

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