Chapter 20 : The explanation - Part 2

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"Welcome home Lucy." Said a smiling Natsu.

"It's gorgeous Natsu. You didn't this all by hand ?" I asked in awe.

"Yep." He said blushing.

It was amazing. He changed the dingy, pitch black carpet (which, supposedly, was white) to a beautiful red oak. The walls went from a yellow cream color to an orange, and the wall with the fireplace was an intense teal color. The fireplace brick was cleaned, the hearth was a black, stone tile. The mantle was a deep, dark, cherry wood.

"It's gorgeous Natsu, but I can't stay in awe forever. I need to explain, and I want to explain everything. I don't want any secrets between us. You need to sit down." I said.

"OK Lucy." Said Natsu.

"First, when I found out I was Celestial Goddess, I gained a various amount of knowledge of Celestial Magic, and it's properties. To start, Celestial Magic isn't just a holder type magic, it's also an ability type." I say as his eyes widened. "The principals of both versions were very different, so the ability type version was renamed as Heavenly Body Magic. The same one Jellal uses." I continued.

"Second, I know a Dragon." I said as I pulled out his key (media, without the chain on it.), and Natsu grabbed my shoulders.

"You know a Dragon !? Show me ! Show me !" He said. He seemed like a child on Christmas morning. Adorable.

"Not now, I'll show you on a mission. For now, we need to take care of you." I said the last part (italics) poking his chest.


"What do you mean ?" I asked in shock.

"It's sticking out from underneath. You're wearing a necklace under Igneel's muffler. I also know that necklace is a Magic limiter you're using to suppress the effects of mating season. Including the fact that we're getting married and you haven't marked me as your mate yet." She said as she ripped it off.

"What have you done Lucy !?" I say as my body's engulfed in flames, and I go into Dragon Force. "You shouldn't have done that Lucy." I whispered seductively into her ear and pin her to the wall, then reality slaps me in the face. "No, I can't." I said in an apologetic tone.

"It's OK Natsu, it'll be alright. Trust me." I said as I hugged Natsu to comfort him.

"Are you sure ?" I asked and she nods her head. I pin her to the wall and say "Prepare for the best night of your life, babe. You're gonna want to."

Nalu the Fanfiction Part 1Where stories live. Discover now