Chapter 8 : Kill my love !?

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"I want you
To kill me."

Lucy's POV

Kill Natsu ?" The thought of that repeating in my head, I just couldn't take it.

"No !!!" I scretched out at the top of my lungs. Before being cut off... By a kiss.

He slammed his lips against mine.

"You'll wake your neighbors Lucy." He said with a smile.

"I.. I.." I couldn't speak I was so shocked. So I...

Kneed him in the balls and 'Lucy kicked' him against the wall.

"What the fuck is wrong with you !?" I yelled. "I love you dammit !" I finally told him the truth. I love him.

I fall on the ground in utter pain. "How could I kill you if I love you dammit !?" Why would you ask me that ? Why Natsu !? I broke out in tears.

He stopped me from talking as he slammed his lips against mine.

"It's because I love you." He said. "I don't want to hurt you, I couldn't bare it. If I hurt you, how could I live ?" Natsu said it with a smile

I stop him with a kiss.

"I know that you don't wanna hurt me. I'm not going to kill you." I said

"But Lu..." Said Natsu before being cut off by a kiss.

"If you love me now, then you'll love me (senseless) tonight." I said

His eyes widened.

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