Chapter 3 : The kiss...

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Guilds POV

".... WHAT !"

Normal POV

When Natsu fell, he fell on Lucy, not only that, she had her legs wrapped around him (from how they fell) (I'm not a pervert, I'm just guessing that's how he fell on top of her), and they're KISSING !

Lucy's POV

"Oww my head. What happened? What's that heat ? It's so intense, it feels amazing. Like pure ecstasy. Why does it feel like it's entering my through my mouth ?" As I open my eyes I was speechless...

Natsu's POV

"Damn it Lucy, why'd you go and do that for ? What's this warmth ? It's so warm, gentle,and sweet. It's like nothing I've every felt before." As I open my eyes, I couldn't believe what I saw. I want more.

Normal POV

As Natsu and Lucy open their eyes and say what they saw, they bolted.
Mira's POV

"Ahh omg omg omg, ahhh ! I can't believe it finally happened, Nalu's official !" I yelled mentally. "Oops, my nose's bleeding." "I want 33 Nalu babies..." 
Hey y'all its me. I really want to know what you think. Should I tone it down, or should I turn it up like it did in this chapter? What do y'all think ?

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