Chapter 22 : A Dragon !?

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Narrator's POV

"Requip !" Yelled Lucy; and a bright, golden, light surrounded her.

"She can requip !?" Yelled a shocked Erza.

As the bright light faded away, Lucy appeared in a (media). Natsu was still wrapped in blankets.

"Requip !" She yelled again and her dragon key appeared in her hand.

"Open, gate of the Celestial Dragon ! Draco !" Said Lucy. We all look in shock, except Erza, who's more distracted by the fact that Lucy can requip.


Out of the gate came a guy who looked about our age, With spiky dark brown hair. Deep green eyes with star shaped pupils, a navy tux with a purple shirt, a green tie, brown Italian shoe. With a 5 o'clock shadow on his face.

"You're really gonna regret pissing of a goddess Mira-Jane Strauss." She said with her hand in a fist. "Draco !" She ordered and the man attacked. He yelled: "Celestial Dragon's iron fist !" and sent Mira flying. Leaving her bag. (Draco has a British accent btw. I know you girls like it. )

Before she could even look, Laxus tried to hit Lucy until... "Don't even try it you bastard." Said the monotonous Draco catching his punch. "To harm her highness, you must first pass through me." He continued and sent him flying with a roundhouse kick.

"Enough Draco !" She commanded. "Yes your Majesty, Queen of the stars." He said bowing down and left in a cloud of smoke.

"Makarov, I want full compensation and complete repairs to property. Understood ?" She said giving him the side eye. "Yes ma'am" he said with a salute and a gulp.

"Now can you all go wait at the front door while we get ready ? We weren't expecting any guests." She said the last part giggling and the group did as they were told, scared to disobey.

"Get dressed Natsu, we have guests." She told me with a smile.

This is what I love about her, she could be a total bitch to everyone else, but I get to see the real Lucy everyday. The nice, sweet, caring Lucy that cares about others more than herald. Most of the time...

I got up and did as I was told and opened the front door.

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