Chapter 11 : The vacation.

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Natsu's POV

When we get back to Lucy's place we make out for a bit. When she suggests we kick it up a notch, I stop her.

"Lucy, we've got to stop. I want this to be more special than us just doing it, you know ? How about, we take a vacation ?

"What do you mean ?" Asked Lucy

"How about... The beach ?" I said

"The beach ?" She wondered

"Yeah, I know this place, very secluded, quiet, no people for miles, and there's a nearby cave we can stay in, or we can go to a different beach with a hotel." I say seductively

"How about the cave. No people for miles, on the beach. Sounds perfect." she said with a smile on her face. "and how about... we move in together." she said.

A nose bleed gushed out and I passed out.

"Natsu !" Lucy yelled.


Natsu's POV

After I come wake up, I was on lucys bed. This time, not tied up. When I open my eyes, I see I'm shirtless,  but this is different. I'm in the bed sheets, with Lucy cuddling up to me in her sleep. I can't help but smile. This is where I want to be, with Lucy. Quiet, peaceful, I just wanna hold her, I just wanna protect her, and keep her safe. So I stay, this is nice, maybe we can live together.


Time skip till 3 days later. Natsu says he's going on a solo training mission. Then Lucy does the same the next day. They don't want the guild to know about their relationship, yet. The day Lucy says she goes on a training mission, Natsu and Lucy pack, and the next day they leave for their vacation.


Lucy's POV 

"where hear." he said."I found this place on a job, do you like it ?" he asked

The cave was filled with this tiffany blue diamond. It was beautiful. They glowed so bright, they covered this entire cave. and when I look infront of me, I see Natsu using Dragons egg  again. I wonder what he brought. When he finished the spell, I see a bed appear.

"Where'd that come from !?" I asked

"From my room." he said seductively

I pass out from a nose bleed.

"Lucy !!!" I heard him yell before I blacked out. 

When I wake up, I'm on the bed, and all I see is Natsu's worried face in his sleep. When I begin to move, he pins me to the bed. "Natsu..." I said. "You still want to do it right ?" he asked. I said "yes" and we kissed.


Caution !!! Lemon on the next chapter. I'm making it a seperate chapter so you can avoid it if don't want to see any Mature Content.

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