Chapter 19 : My explanation - Part 1

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As I regain consciousness, I find myself in the guilds infirmary. I began to look around, but I see no one besides me and... Lucy ! When I saw her, I walk to her bed; she seems cold. So I snuggled in with her, my arm around her, around Lucy, around my fiancé. I fall asleep, holding the one I love.


As I wake up, I feel this warmth wrapped around me. This loving, compassionate warmth. When I open my eyes I see Natsu. My warm, sweet Natsu. A tear ran down my face as I realized what happened. He knows my secret. How can he still love me, when I kept something this big from him. As he hears my sobs, he awoke.

"Don't cry Lucy." He kissed my cheek.

"How ? How can you still love me, when I've kept this big secret from you ?" I asked in tears.

"How can you say that. Lucy, I love you; secrets or not. I'm glad you told me. Now, I know you, better than before. My love for you still hasn't changed. You are still the same Lucy I fell in love with." He said as he wipes my tears away, only cause more.

"Blah blah blah. Quit the love fest and start explaining." Said a smiling Erza as she walked in, with Master behind her.

"Hey Erza, hey Master." We (me and Natsu) said in unison.

"Good morning my children." Said Master. "Now will you mind explaining what happened ? Erza explained what happened what she saw, but I want to hear your perspective." He continued.

"You see, my mom collected all the white God keys and was given the title of Celestial Goddess. When one is chosen, the reign stays in the bloodline, similar to a monarchy. So when she died, I was crowned the title. My memories of this and my being Goddess were sealed away. The seal wore off little after I joined Fairytail. It wore off when I meet the King and saved Loke. The Celestial King told me not to tell a soul... There's also one more secret I have." I explained.

"And what would that be my child ?" He asked.

" I have a runaway brother. He abandoned us with mom on her deathbed. He took afew God keys with him, waiting for her death to sever the contracts." I said as I began to cry again. Everyone looked in shock.

"That bastard..." Said Natsu as he clutched his fist.

"Natsu, calm down. Please ? I don't like it when you're angry." I Said in a compassionate sounding voice that put Natsu at peace.

"Can we stop, I don't want to talk about my past. It's too painful right now. I'll reveal more when time passes." I asked.

"Very well, we understand." They said as they left.

"Natsu, can we go home? I want to explain the rest to you in private." I asked.

"Of course. After all; we're getting married, I want to know more about my bride." Natsu said smiling, kissing my forehead.

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