Surprising Sammi

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March came and went with absolutely no incidents of any kind. Since the boys and I were still laying low, supernatural occurrences were at an all time low for us. Sure, they still helped my father from time to time and there was always a chance any one of the three men could get hurt, but luckily there had been no injuries this go round. Now here it was, almost the end of April, and we were all still in great health. It was also getting very close to my birthday, and I was actually looking forward to it for once in my life. My dad was going to be in town, so he'd be coming to celebrate with me and the boys, and I actually HAD reason to celebrate these days. There was no way for me to know just how much celebrating we were going to do that year. The day of my birthday arrived, and the first thing I remember is waking up to Sam and Dean singing "Happy Birthday" and presenting me with breakfast in bed. "Aww you guys," I said, smiling. "This is so nice. Thank you." "The day isn't over yet, babe," Sam reminded me. "That's right, princess," Dean said. "We have the whole day already planned out for you." "You really didn't have to plan anything," I told them. "Just hanging out with you guys and my dad would have been more than enough." "We knew that," Dean said. "But we felt you deserved to have the best day possible." "After you finish breakfast, get dressed and meet us downstairs," Sam said, kissing my forehead. The boys left and I went to work stuffing my face with all the good food the boys had prepared for me. When I was full, I put the tray down on the night stand and made my way into the bathroom to take my shower. Little did I know that Sam had come back upstairs to check on me, until he was standing in the bathroom, his head peeking through the curtain. "Holy hell!" I screamed. "Don't sneak up on me like that!" He started laughing and said, "I'm sorry, baby. I just came to tell you that I am taking your dishes back downstairs AND I laid out your clothes for you." "Well aren't you just the sweetest!" I said, giving him a kiss. He walked away and I finished up my shower. After I was dried and clothed, I walked downstairs to see what the boys had planned for us next. "Are you ready to start your birthday adventure?" Dean asked. "Absolutely," I answered. "What's your next move?" "We're taking you to meet your dad at the amusement park," Sam said. "Do we really think that's a good idea, given my track record with golf carts?" I asked, partially laughing. "One of the three of us will be with you at all times, birthday girl," Dean said. "Let's get moving. We got a drive ahead of us." We all got into the car (Sam even joined me in the back seat), and headed off on our adventure. Dean turned on some driving music and the three of us had a blast singing along and pretending to play air instruments. It made the ride go much smoother AND seemingly faster too. Little did I know just how far we had actually traveled until I saw a sign that said Welcome to Florida. "Did I miss something?" I asked the boys. "Whatever do you mean, princess?" Dean asked in return. "I thought we were going to the amusement park," I said, confused. "We are going to the amusement park, sweetie," Sam said. "We're going to one of the biggest amusements parks in the world." "Correct me if I'm wrong, but that sign just said we were in Florida," I told him. "You're right," Dean said. "It did say Florida." I sat quietly for a few moments, trying to put the puzzle pieces together in my head, and I finally realized what the boys were hinting at. "Oh my word!" I exclaimed. "You guys and Dad are taking me to Disney World?!?!" "I think she figured out our surprise, Dean," Sam said. "It was only a matter of time, Sammy boy," Dean replied. We pulled into the parking lot and drove around for a while trying to find a spot. When we finally were able to park and get out of the car, we hopped a shuttle to the front gate where Dad was waiting for us. "Welcome to the happiest place on earth, pumpkin," he said, giving me a hug. "Happy Birthday!" I looked at all three of my boys and said, "Thank you! This is turning out to be the best birthday ever!" "It's far from over, baby," Sam said. "Let's go have some fun!" We spent the entire afternoon walking around Disney, seeing all the sights, riding a majority of the rides, and checking out some of the coolest gift shops ever. Around 6 o'clock, Dean said, "I think it's time for the next part of our surprise, boys." Sam and Dad just nodded and motioned for me to start walking toward the exit. When we got out to the parking lot, we hopped the shuttle back to the cars. Dad's truck was closer, so he got dropped off first. Dean handed the keys to his car over to Sam and said, "I'll ride with Jim." After the shuttle dropped us off by our car, Sam and I got in and he started driving away from the park. "What more could you guys possibly have planned for me?" I asked. "This was by far the best surprise ever." "You'll see shortly," Sam said with a smile. We had only driven a few minutes down the road when Sam pulled into another parking lot. I looked up and let out a loud shriek of joy. "Planet Hollywood?!!" I was clearly excited. "Where you pay $15 for a burger, but it is totally worth it," Sam said. We got out of the car and met Dad and Dean at the door. "Was she surprised?" Dad asked. "My ears are still ringing from the screaming," Sam teased. Dinner was amazing. The boys even arranged for the crew members to bring me dessert and sing "Happy Birthday" to me. I'll admit I was a tad bit embarrassed (I'm not one for being the center of attention), but it was a wonderful gesture. After the boys fought over who would pay the bill, we walked back out to the cars. "This was the most amazing birthday ever," I told them all. "Thank you all so much for putting this together." "You deserve it, pumpkin," Dad said. "You spent many birthdays by yourself. No one should have to do that, ever. It was the least we could do." "I hope this counts as my birthday present from every single one of you," I said. "Don't get mad," Dean started, "but we all chipped in and got you a little something." "Seriously?" I asked. "This trip was more than enough." "Too bad," Sam said. "We love you and would have done more if we could have." Dad handed me an envelope, which I tore open almost immediately. "A gift certificate for a spa day?!" I was thrilled. "You guys really outdid yourselves. Thank you all." I started to tear up a little, but it was good tears, I promise. I hugged each of the boys separately, then Dad said, "It's been great, but I've got to get going. Happy Birthday again, baby girl. I will see the three of you again soon." The boys and I waved goodbye as Dad got in his truck and drove away. "I have one more surprise for you, princess," Dean said. "I knew we'd probably be getting done late, so I booked us two rooms at one of the resorts downtown." "Two rooms?" I asked. "I figured you would want to spend your birthday night alone with your fiance," Dean said with a smile. "That was very thoughtful of you, Dean," Sam told his brother. "I can be a nice guy sometimes," Dean said with a wink. "Thank you, both of you," I told them. "This truly was one of the best birthdays I have ever had."

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