The Wedding Planner

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February 6...Sam and I had 4 months left until we said "I do" and I didn't even have to plan everything out. Any normal bride would be driving themselves crazy trying to get their special day perfect, but not me. For one, Sam and I didn't want a big church wedding with 200+ people. It wasn't our style. Two, Dad and Marissa had already offered us their backyard to do a small wedding with a few close friends and family members. And when I say a few, I mean the two of us and about 10 other people. As much as I hate dresses, I had already promised Marissa I would wear the dress she wore when she married my father. I originally planned to wear my mother's dress, but Dad told me how Mom burned it during their separation period (the same separation period when my brother Anthony was killed). Dad already took care of the minister, the decorations, and the food and drink, so all I really had to take care of were the invitations. Sam and Dean had invited Castiel, since he was really the only friend they truly had, and I was only inviting family members, since I didn't really have many friends. So that day I sent out three invitations: one to my sister and her husband, one to my brother Declan, and one to my paternal grandparents. Keep in mind I had met both of my siblings, but I had yet to meet my grandparents. My father hadn't talked to them in years, until Christmas of 2011, when I insisted that he give them a call and try to fix their relationship like he and I had fixed ours. Dad had kept me updated on their progress, and I was happy to hear that things were going well. If living with the Winchesters has taught me anything, it's that life is too short to hold grudges or cut important people out of your life. Anyway, I was walking back from the mailbox when my cell phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Samantha?" I heard a friendly voice say. "Yes?" I replied. "You may not remember me," the woman on the other end said, "because it's been a very long time since we last saw each other." "Grandma?" I asked. "Yes," she answered. "How are you darling?" "I'm doing good," I told her. "I'm guessing Dad gave you my number?" "He did," she replied. "Thought you might like to hear from me and your grandfather." "How is grandpa?" I asked. "He's a pain in my ass," she laughed. "But I love him anyway." I laughed too. "It's funny that you're calling me today. I just got finished mailing out your invitation to my wedding." "Your father mentioned something about that," Grandma said. "Congratulations my dear. Not everyone is lucky enough to find their soulmate." "Thanks, Gram," I said. "The wedding is June 6th and it's at Dad's place. It would be great if you and Grandpa could come. If you can't for some reason, I would understand." "Are you kidding me?" Grandma sounded shocked. "We missed out on your sister's wedding and lord only knows if your brother will ever settle down. We wouldn't miss our youngest grandchild's wedding for anything." "That means more than you will ever know, Gram," I said. "Thank you." "Your father speaks very highly of Sam," Grandma told me. "That is his name, correct?" "Yes," I said. "You should see some of the looks we get when we tell people our names are Sam and Sammi. It's quite comical." Grandma laughed. "I'm sure. It has been wonderful talking to you, Samantha. I hate to cut our chat short, but your grandfather and I have a book club meeting in a little while." "I would love to talk to you again before the wedding," I told her. "If you aren't too busy, that is." "We're free most days," Grandma said. "The only two days we have prior commitments are Wednesdays and Fridays. Feel free to call anytime." "I will," I said. "Thank you for calling, Grandma. I can't wait to see you and Grandpa again." "We can't wait to see you either," she said. "I'm sure you've grown into a beautiful young lady. Just know we love you very much, always have." "I love you too," I told her. "Have fun at your book club." We disconnected shortly after and I made my way back to the house. The boys hadn't returned from their day out on the town (they were celebrating Dean's birthday today, since he had been sick for a few days), so I made myself comfortable on the couch and turned on some television. My phone buzzed, letting me know I had a text message. It turned out to be my dad, asking me if grandma had gotten a hold of me yet. I responded that she had, told him we had a really nice conversation, and that we'd be seeing her and grandpa at the wedding. He replied by telling me that was great news, that he loved me, and that he would see me soon. I was flipping through channels, thinking about what I was going to make for dinner that night, but I realized that I didn't really want to cook. Instead, I picked my phone back up and called Sam. "Hey baby," he answered. "Everything alright?" "I'm fine," I told him. "I'm just not feeling up to cooking tonight. I was thinking maybe you guys could just bring something home for dinner?" "Of course we can," he said. "Did you have something special in mind?" "I could always go for Chinese," I admitted. "But only if you two want the same thing. If not, I'll eat whatever you guys decide." I heard Sam discussing dinner options with Dean, then he got back on the phone with me. "Dean said Chinese is fine. Do you want your usual?" "You know me so well," I said. "It's my job," he told me. "We're on our way to the restaurant now, so we'll see you in about 20 minutes." "Thank you, sweetie," I said. "I love you." "I love you more," he replied and we hung up the phone. I know life is not perfect, but at that very moment in time, mine sure felt like it was. My wedding was planned, my grandparents were going to be there, and I had the most amazing man to share my life with. Who could ask for anything more?

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