A Simple Misunderstanding

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It had been a week since the April Fool's incident, and things were pretty much back to normal with me and Dean. The boys and I had been talking about what to do for my birthday, which was still two weeks away, when my cell phone rang. The number was local, and I knew a lot of people in this town, so I answered it. "Hello?" "Sammi?" the voice on the other end asked. "Yes?" I replied. "You don't recognize my voice, do you?" the voice, which was male, said. "Should I?" I asked. "Ouch," he replied. "We used to be so important to one another. I know it's been years, but my voice hasn't changed much." I paused a moment and thought about who could possibly have been important to me way back in the day. "Trevor?" I said. "The one and only," he replied. "It really has been years," I told him. "How did you track me down?" "I never lost touch with your sister," he admitted. "I asked her if she had talked to you at all, and she gave me your number." "Remind me to thank her," I said, somewhat sarcastically. "Are you busy today?" he asked. "Not really," I answered. "Can you meet me downtown in about ten minutes?" he said. "Our old hangout?" I asked. "Yes," he answered. I didn't think it would hurt anyone to go see Trevor, find out what he was up to after all these years. "Sure," I said. "Great," he replied. "See you soon." I hung up the phone and looked up at the boys. "That was one of my old friends from high school," I told them. "He wants me to meet him for coffee." Dean teased, "Is he your old boyfriend?" "Actually, yeah," I admitted. "We dated from sophomore year till graduation. We parted ways when we went to college." "Why would he be calling you now?" Sam asked. "I was wondering the same thing," I told him. "That's why I agreed to meet him." "How long will you be?" Dean asked. "We had plans to take you early birthday shopping." "Hopefully not too long," I said. "Just be safe," Sam told me. "I will," I promised. "I love you." "I love you too," he said, giving me a kiss. I walked into town and spotted Trevor sitting at our old table. He hadn't changed much since the last time I saw him. He had a little more muscle and his hair was shorter (he used to have shoulder length hair back in the day). I made my way over to him and he stood up to greet me. "You get prettier every time I see you," he said, giving me a hug. "You're not looking so bad yourself," I told him. "You've been working out, I see." "It's part of the job," he said. "I'm a personal trainer." "You always did like physical activities," I replied. "I took the liberty of ordering our drinks," he said. "You still like iced coffee?" "Absolutely," I said as I sat down. "Thank you." "So what have you been up to, Sammi? Where did you end up after college?" he asked. "Back here, actually," I told him. "My Poppy got sick and Nana couldn't take care of him herself, so I moved back to help her. After he passed, she put herself in a home until she passed too." "And you've been here ever since?" he said. "Sort of," I replied. "It's a long story, but I lived here until late 2009. I moved around a lot the next few years, wound up back here for what was supposed to be a vacation last year, but as you can see I haven't left yet." "Are you working?" he asked. "Nana and Poppy left me very well off," I admitted. "I would love to work, but I don't usually stay in one place long enough to find a job." "How about a boyfriend?" he said. "You're too pretty to be single." I looked down at my hand, ready to show Trevor my ring, and realized that I didn't have it on. Crap! I had taken it off earlier when I was fixing breakfast (I made French toast), and forgot to put it back on. "I'm actually engaged," I told him. "We're getting married in June. I'm surprised Scarlett didn't mention it." "You know your sister better than anyone," he said. "She jumps around from subject to subject. It's hard to follow sometimes. Congratulations, though. I always knew you were quite a catch." "Then why didn't you try to keep our relationship going?" I asked. "I was willing to make it work, long distance or not. You pretty much gave up." "I was an ass," he admitted. "I didn't know how good I had it. I also didn't trust my heart to deal with the distance. I know now that I could have handled it. I'm sorry I didn't try." "It's ancient history now," I told him. "Between my family leaving me and you breaking my heart, it took me a really long time to admit that I was in love with Sam." "And I am sorry for breaking your heart, Sammi," he said. "You are a beautiful human being, inside and out. You deserve to be happy, and as long as your man makes you happy, that's all that matters now." "Speaking of my man," I started, "I should probably get going. He and his brother want to take me shopping. It was good seeing you again, Trevor." "It was great seeing you too," he said. "Friends?" "Friends," I agreed. We stood up, gave each other a hug, and went walking in separate directions. When I got back to the house, Dean was watching television alone. "Where's your brother?" I asked. "He's upstairs pouting," Dean said. "Pouting? About what?" I was confused. "From what I could gather, he thinks you still have feelings for your old boyfriend," Dean answered. "What would give him that idea?" I asked. "Trevor and I are ancient history." "I believe it has something to do with the fact that he found your engagement ring laying on the kitchen table," Dean said. I knew that decision was going to come back and bite me in the ass. "I took it off when I made breakfast this morning," I admitted. "I completely forgot that I had taken it off until I went to go show Trevor." "I believe you, princess," Dean said. "I know how long it took for you to finally admit you loved my brother. I'm willing to bet it's because this Trevor guy broke your heart." "Glad someone understands," I told him. "Well, that and my family situation at the time." "Go upstairs and talk to Sam," he said. "You don't have to convince me." I went up to the bedroom and Sam was sitting on the bed, watching television. "Hey sweetheart," I said. "Why are you up here all alone? Aren't you coming shopping with us?" "Did you have fun on your coffee date?" he asked. "It wasn't a date," I told him. "I was meeting an old friend for some drinks. Yes, we used to date, but that was eons ago. I'm with you now, and I'm very happy." "Then why did I find this on the kitchen table?" he asked, holding up my ring. "Do you remember what I made for breakfast this morning?" I said. "French toast, eggs, and bacon," he replied. "Can you think of any reason why making such a breakfast might require me to remove my ring?" I asked. "You didn't want to get it dirty while soaking the bread," he said. "And is it possible that your loving, devoted fiance may have forgotten that she took it off and that's why it was still on the table?" I told him. "Wow," he replied. "I feel like such an asshole right now." I reached out and gave him a hug. "You know I love you and only you, Sam. Trevor was my past. He broke my heart. He's part of the reason it took me so long to admit that I had fallen for you." He put my ring back on my finger and said, "I'm sorry I got so upset. I'm not usually the jealous type. And I trust you with my life, so I was stupid to think your old feelings would come back." "It's alright, babe," I told him. "In all honesty, if the tables were turned, I probably would have acted the same way. It was a slight misunderstanding, that's all." He gave me a kiss and then smiled. "Let's go get Dean and head over to the mall to pick out some gifts for you." That was the first and last time Sam ever doubted my love for him.

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