It All Started With A Big Bang

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My boys and I wound up back at my Dad and Marissa's house for New Year's Eve. I gave them the gift certificates for the spa, which they absolutely loved, and also thanked them for contributing to mine and Sam's honeymoon trip. We all hugged, had a few laughs, then Marissa and I went into the kitchen to prepare some food and drinks. "So how many people is Dad expecting tonight?" I asked. "Not too many," she promised. "Just the three of you, his best friend Dave and his family, and another of his fellow hunters, whom I have yet to meet." "Should be a good time," I said. "That's the hope," she smiled. Sam walked in and asked, "Do you ladies need any help? The rest of Jim's crew is here and they've already started drinking." "How are you at cutting up vegetables?" Marissa asked. "Thanks to my sweetheart, I'm a pro," he answered, smiling. "Good," Marissa smiled back. "You can start on the vegetable tray." Sam took a seat at the table with the vegetables and a knife, while Marissa and I continued to work on appetizers and drinks. I could hear some arguing out in the living room, so I excused myself to see if I could help break it up. I walked in to find Dean holding Dad back and another man, whom I guess was Dave, holding back another man who was wielding a gun. "What in the world is going on here??" I asked. "The guy over there with the gun showed up drunk, threatened your father and his family, your father tried to talk him down, and the ass pulled the gun on him," Dean explained. I turned to the guy with the gun and said, "We're supposed to be having fun here, ok? No one wants any trouble. Whatever issues you have with my father, deal with them on your own time. Please." Dave spoke next. "The girl has a point, Steve. This is not the place or the time. You need to calm down or leave." "Fuck you," Steve said, spitting in Dave's face. "This is between me and big Jim over there." "Actually, it's between you and my father and now me and my family," I admitted. "You threatened him AND his family." "Shut up you stupid bitch!" Steve screamed at me. "Don't you call her a bitch, you jackass," Dean told him. "Guys, please," I begged them all. "Just calm down and let's have some fun, alright?" The next thing I remember after that, I was lying on the ground with a burning sensation right in the center of my abdomen. I heard a struggle and looked up to see Dave tackling Steve to the ground, knocking the gun out of his hand. Dean and Dad both screamed, "Sammi!" and Sam came running out of the kitchen followed by Marissa. Sam grabbed me up off the floor and grabbed a napkin off the table to try and clot my wound. "What the hell just happened?!!" he asked. "Shithead Steve over there showed up drunk already, started an argument with Jim, who tried to tell him this wasn't the place or time, Sammi tried to play the hero, he called her a bitch and then shot her," Dean explained. "Should I call the cops?" Marissa asked. "Yes," Dave and Dad both answered, while attempting to keep Steve down. Marissa went back into the kitchen to make the call, I looked up at Sam and said, "Bucket?" Dean ran over with the living room garbage can just in time for me to puke up more blood. "We need to get her to the hospital now," Dean told his brother. "Go," Dad said. "Please take care of her. We have this under control." Sam and Dean ran out to the car, Sam still holding me in his arms, hopped in and drove like mad to get to the hospital as fast as possible. As with other trips, Dean dropped me and Sam at the front door and went to find a parking spot. Sam raced through the door, still holding me, still holding the napkin to my wound, screaming, "Someone please help us. She's been shot!" Two nurses came running at us with a gurney and helped Sam carefully put me down onto it. One of the nurses took over holding the napkin on the wound as they started to wheel me away. "Don't leave me!" I screamed, holding my hand out toward Sam. "She's going into shock," one of the nurses said. "We need to get her into the operating room stat." Sam mouthed the words "I love you" just before they rolled me through the doors leading to the operating rooms. When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed in a room that I didn't have to worry about sharing with any other patients. There was no one around, so I grabbed the nurse button and pressed it. A few moments later, the doctor came walking in, chart in hand. "You are one lucky girl," he said. "The bullet missed all of your vital organs, and your boyfriend got you here just in time to save you from any permanent damage to your insides." "Were you able to remove the bullet?" I asked. "Yes," he replied. "It took us about three hours, but we got you all fixed up and good as new. You'll have to stay a couple of nights with us while you recuperate, but you're going to be just fine." "Thanks doc," I said. "Am I allowed visitors?" "You want me to send in your boys?" he asked. "Yes, please," I told him. I waited only a few minutes for Sam and Dean to come walking through the door. Sam made his way over to my bed and put my hand in his, kissing my forehead. "I'm so happy that you're alright," he said. "Me too," Dean said. "You lost quite a lot of blood this time." "The doctor said I owe you two my life," I told them. "You got me here just in time." "You'll be happy to know that Steve is in jail," Dean said. "He's going to be there for quite a while, too." I looked at Sam and teased, "And I thought YOU were nasty when you were drunk." Sam smiled and said, "I'm not THAT much of an asshole." "So how long do you have to stay for this time?" Dean asked. "He said just a couple of days," I told him. "They were able to remove the entire bullet and there was no major damage." "That's great to hear," Sam said. "Happy New Year!" we heard coming from the hallway. "Sounds like we made it to 2013 already," I smiled. "Thankfully we all made it to the new year in one piece," Dean said. "Well," I started, "I rang my year in with quite the bang, so to speak." "I love this girl," Dean said to his brother. "She gets shot and she's still over here cracking jokes. She definitely deserves to share the Winchester name." "I couldn't agree more," Sam smiled.

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