It's Christmas Time Again

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Christmas was coming upon us once again, and fast. My mind was on other things, though, like the fact that I had to plan a wedding in a 6 month time span. Thankfully neither Sam nor I wanted anything big, so it wouldn't take me long to throw together our perfect day. So what exactly was I worried about? Focus, Sammi, focus. Christmas was only a couple of weeks away. What was I going to get the boys this year? I had plenty of time to shop on this particular day; the boys were out hunting with Dad again. I fought with Sam at first, asked him to stay behind and let his injury heal some more, but he insisted he was fine. He's a big boy, after all. Dean left Baby with me, so I took a ride over to the mall for some Christmas shopping fun. In all honesty, I didn't know how I was going to follow up the presents I got them last year. I decided to try and shop for Dean first, since it would be easier to pick out something for him. Not that Sam was more complicated to shop for, mind you...I just always had to find that one thing for him that "spoke" to me. If you truly love someone as much as Sam and I love each other, you will completely understand what that means. I found myself walking into a book store for some strange reason. I had never seen either of the boys read any books other than those needed to do their job, but something was calling me into that store. I walked down every aisle, scanned every book in my path, and finally found what I knew I had gone in there for. I grabbed the book, took it up to the counter and paid for it, then went on my merry way. I walked around the mall some more, looking at all the stores, hoping something would pop out at me for Sam's gift. I decided on a sporting goods store, since they had a variety of things I could look at. I was specifically going for anything that Sam could use for hunting purposes, so I walked over to the guns/ammo/knives area. Along the way, I saw a rack of flannel shirts, so I stopped there and picked out a few of those in different colors. I love the way both boys look in flannel, so I grabbed two for Sam and two for Dean. I finally made it to the weapons counter and immediately saw what I wanted to get for Sam. "Excuse me," I said to the young man behind the counter, "I'd like to purchase that knife right there." I pointed to the one I wanted, which he kindly took out and placed on the counter top for me to admire. "May I see your ID, please?" he asked. "Absolutely," I said, pulling out my driver's license for him to view. "Thank you, ma'am," he replied. "Would you like us to engrave it for you? It'll only take about 15-20 minutes." "You could do that?" I asked, shocked. "Yes, ma'am," he said with a smile. "That would be great!" I told him. I wrote down what I wanted him to engrave on the knife, paid him for it, then walked around some more while I waited for it to be finished. I spied some really cool camouflage clothing, a beautiful fishing pole, and an awesome looking bow and arrow set. I know, I don't like violence, but it wasn't killing anyone for me to just look around. "Your knife is ready, ma'am," I heard the young man say. I walked back over to examine it, thanked him as he put it in a bag for me, then asked him if I could also pay him for the shirts (you never know...I may have had to go to another counter). He gladly helped me with my other purchase, I thanked him again, and I made my way out through the mall and back to the car. As I was putting my bags into the back seat, I felt a sense of accomplishment knowing that my Christmas shopping was done. I was planning on sending my father and Marissa two gift certificates for a spa day, so everyone on my list was taken care of. I drove myself back home, hid the bags in the back of my bedroom closet, and got to work making dinner for when the boys got back. While dinner was in the oven cooking, I decided to head upstairs and take a quick shower. I set the oven timer for 45 minutes, then set my stop watch on my phone for 30 minutes and headed up to the bathroom. I had just finished drying myself off when I heard my phone timer go off, so I rushed into my room, threw on some clothes and ran back downstairs to check on dinner. The kitchen timer had about 10 more minutes left, so I used that time to set the table and make some iced tea. The boys came walking in the door just as I was taking dinner out of the oven. "Perfect timing," I said, carrying the hot dish into the dining room and placing it in the center of the table. "I smell Italian," Dean said. "And a hint of garlic bread." "You're good," I told him. "Lasagna and homemade garlic bread, just for my boys. Sit down and dig in." Sam walked over to me and gave me a kiss first, then took his seat at the table. I waited for the two of them to take what they wanted and then helped myself. "The iced tea is fresh," I told them, pouring us each a glass. "Dinner is delicious, as always," Dean said with a smile. "I didn't have time to bake you a pie this time," I told him. "I actually went out Christmas shopping today. No more waiting till the last minute for this girl." "Can we go tomorrow, Dean?" Sam asked his big brother. "Sure," Dean replied. "You want to tag along, princess?" "I would love to," I said. "Beats sitting home alone all day." When we finished dinner, Dean handled the clean up, so Sam and I headed upstairs to relax. "When we get back from shopping tomorrow, would you like to help me decorate the house?" I asked him. "Absolutely," he smiled. "Sounds like someone found their Christmas spirit again." "Christmas was always my favorite holiday," I admitted, "I just never had much reason to celebrate until you and Dean came along." "Well I'm glad we could help you find the magic again," Sam said, smiling. I gave him a kiss good night, laid my head on his chest, and fell asleep.

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