Two Become One

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The day had finally arrived for me to marry my best friend in the whole world. Even with all the preparation my dad and Marissa did, making sure everything was ready for us, I hadn't seen nor tried on my dress. Marissa assured me that it would fit, seeing as we were about the same height and had the same body structure. We had driven down the two days before the wedding to finish up last minute details. Now today, June 6, Marissa and I were upstairs in her bedroom doing our hair and makeup and finally putting on the dress. I don't like dresses, but this gown was beautiful. It wasn't your typical white dress, but rather a lavender color dress. It was strapless, had a short train (thank goodness, because I am a klutz), and had sparkles lining the skirt. Marissa helped me zip it up and when I looked in the mirror I froze. Was that really me?? I felt a little tear come to my eye and I knew that Sam was going to be blown away. Hell, everyone was going to be blown away by the sight of me in this dress. "Dean may have been right all along," I said. "I look like a princess." "Just one more thing," Marissa replied, reaching for something off of her dresser. She fastened something onto the front of my head, then said, "Now you look like a princess." I turned back toward the mirror and was even more awe struck than before. She had added the tiara Dean had given me for Christmas to the ensemble. "Wow," was all I said. Soon after, we heard a knock on the door, followed by Dad asking, "Are you two ready?" "Come on in, honey," Marissa told him. The look on my dad's face when he saw me was priceless. "You look absolutely beautiful, pumpkin," he said, taking my arm. "Let's go get you married, shall we?" We walked down the stairs and out the front door. The plan was to walk around the left side of the house and into the backyard where everyone was waiting for us. Since I asked Marissa to be my matron of honor, she went first. The wedding march started to play and Dad asked, "You ready for this?" "I think it's too late to back out now," I said, with a wink and a smile. We started down the white paper carpet that adorned the grass and I watched as all eyes turned toward me. I heard lots of "wow" and "she looks absolutely stunning" coming from my family and Castiel (of course he was invited...why wouldn't he be?). It seemed like it took forever, but we made it to the front of the walk where Sam, best man Dean, and the pastor were standing. I looked up at Sam and Dean and they were both a little teary eyed at the sight of me in my dress. The pastor broke the silence by asking, "Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" "Her stepmother and I do," Dad answered. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and took his seat. I will spare you the details of the majority of the ceremony, since most weddings follow the same script or a revised version, and skip to the vows which we wrote ourselves. Sam's went something like this: "Sammi, from the first time I laid eyes on you while Dean and I were saving you from that burglar, I knew you were the girl for me. People say that love at first sight only exists in fairy tales, but I know better. You have seen me through some of my best times, and unfortunately some of my worst, yet you have stood by me through it all. I love you more than words can say, and I can't wait to love you for the rest of our lives." And yes, he really said burglar, even though we all know who the boys saved me from. Don't forget, no one else in my family knows what my Dad and the boys do for a living, so we have to be careful what we say around them. But getting back to the vows, mine went a little something like this: "Sam, I will admit that it took me a little longer than you to realize that I was in love. It wasn't because you aren't lovable, you most certainly are, but because being alone for so long made me lose sight of what true love really was. We have been through so much together already, some good, some bad, but we have always come out on top. I can't wait to see what the rest of our lives hold in store for us. I love you forever and always." We exchanged rings and when the pastor said, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Sam scooped me up into his arms and gave me one of the biggest kisses ever. Everyone was standing and clapping at this point, Dean was still wiping tears from his eyes (he plays the macho role well, but deep down he is very sensitive), and I'm pretty sure I was smiling from ear to ear. Dad and Marissa had rented the community center downtown for the reception, so they invited everyone to follow our limo there. As the driver pulled away from the curb, Dad looked at me and Sam and said, "I'd like to be the first to congratulate you, Mr. and Mrs. Winchester." We each grabbed a glass of champagne, raised them high, and drank to fact that mine and Sam's relationship was finally official.

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