This Christmas

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On Christmas morning, I was the first one up and ready for the day. Rather than wake the boys up right away, I decided to go downstairs and make some coffee and breakfast to surprise them. I made pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast, and hash browns. My plan was to serve both boys breakfast in bed, but the smell was so delightful that they had both already made their way downstairs to see what I had in store for them. "Merry Christmas!" I said when I saw them both standing in the kitchen doorway. "Merry Christmas indeed!" Dean exclaimed, eyeing all the yummy food. I set everything up along the kitchen counter like a buffet and told the boys, "There's coffee, too." They helped themselves to food and drink, made their way out to the dining room, and sat down to enjoy their meal. I continued to cook what I had left, then made myself a plate and went to join Sam and Dean. I took a seat next to Sam, who stopped eating for a brief moment to give me a kiss and say, "Merry Christmas, baby." Dean had already finished his food and was making his way back to the kitchen for seconds. When he returned, he looked at me and said, "This is already the best Christmas ever!" Sam and I looked at each other and laughed, then continued to eat. After we were all finished, I got up and started to clear the table, but Sam stopped me. "You cooked, it's Christmas, let me do the dishes," he said. I thanked him and made my way into the living room to admire our Christmas tree. It was a little more full this year than it was last year. I had purchased a few new ornaments, plus my dad had found some of the ornaments mom had stored away from when we were kids, so I hung those on the tree as well. Sam, Dean, and I had picked up some more decorations for the outside of the house, so we were one of the best lit houses on our block. The boys made their way into the living room a short time later, grabbed the gifts from under the tree, and we sat down in our usual spots (Sam and me on the couch, Dean in his chair). We each handed out gifts to the others, then played our usual "who goes first?" game. I won the honor, so I started with Dean's gift. It was a small box-shaped gift, which I unwrapped carefully (you never know), and then flipped the box open. I pulled the item out and held it up to examine it. "You got me a tiara?" I asked. "Is this because you're always calling me princess?" "Sort of," Dean said. "I figured you could wear it on your wedding day. That's the one day of your life you should really get to feel like a princess." I got up and gave him a big hug. "Thank you, Dean," I said. "That was really thoughtful." He smiled and said, "I figured you'd like that." I took my seat next to Sam and picked up his present. His was a little bigger, and it was rectangular shaped, but not thick enough to be a box. I ripped the paper off and found a beautiful, personalized notebook. "You're always telling me how you used to love to write," he told me. "I figured this would help encourage you to start writing again." "It's beautiful, babe. Thank you." I said, and gave him a kiss. "I'll go next," Dean offered. He grabbed Sam's present first, opening it in record time. "A CD of Survivor's greatest hits," Dean said. "Awesome. Thanks Sammy." "I knew you'd enjoy that," Sam told him. Dean took my gift and started to unwrap it. "You both need to be careful when you open these gifts," I told the boys. "I put your actual gift in between the two other gifts I picked out." Dean continued to open his gift, being careful like I told him. He pulled out the shirts and said, "More flannel shirts. Love it." He grabbed the flannel shirt from the top to admire it, then noticed what I had hidden underneath it. "Is this what I think it is?" he asked. "It's a journal," I told him. "Your dad had his journal, now you can keep your own journal of your experiences." "This is great, princess," he said. "Thank you." I smiled at him, then turned to Sam. "Your turn, my dear." Dean handed Sam an envelope and said, "Open mine first." He took the envelope from his brother, turned it over and carefully ripped it open. He took out a piece of paper and read aloud, "Inside this envelope you will find everything you need for an all expense paid trip for two to the happiest place on earth. 7 days and 6 nights of fun, fun, fun. You leave early on June 8th, return late evening on June 15th. Merry Christmas!" "So wait," I said. "Does this mean you paid for us to go to Disney World?" "You bet!" Dean replied. "With some help from your dad and Marissa. We figured you'd have enough to worry about planning your wedding, so we took care of the honeymoon." "This is really great, Dean," Sam said. "Thank you very much." "Yes, thank you," I told him. "Guess we'll have to call Dad and Marissa later on and thank them too." "You guys deserve it," Dean said. "You might as well not even open my gift," I teased. "How can anyone possibly follow that??" "Oh stop it, sweetie," Sam said. "I already love your gift because it came from you." Dean rolled his eyes then said, "Just open it already." Sam carefully opened his gift, just as Dean had before him. He held up the first flannel shirt, then looked down at what had been stuck in between. He picked up the knife and said, "This has got to be one of the most beautiful knives I have ever seen." "It is a gorgeous knife," Dean agreed. Sam flipped it over and read the inscription: "To Sam, I love YOU more, Love Sammi." He looked up at me and said, "It's perfect. Thank you." "It's like I said earlier today," Dean said, "this turned out to be the best Christmas ever."

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