An Emotional Visit

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Back in February, Sam and I had decided we would get married on June 6th of the following year. Anyone who has been following my story knows that date meant a lot to me already as it was my Nana and Poppy's anniversary. Ever since they both passed, I used to just fill a glass with a little wine and drink to their memory. This year, I decided I was going to take a trip out to the cemetery where they were buried and place some flowers on their graves. The boys had gone out on a hunt with Dad, so I had Dean's car at my disposal. I got in and drove to the nearest florist to get two bouquets of daisies (Nana's favorite flower). After I got back in the car, I plugged the address to the cemetery into my GPS and headed off to visit my grandparents. At the cemetery, I had to drive around for a little while seeing as I couldn't remember the exact location of their burial. When I finally found the correct area, I parked the car, grabbed my flowers, and headed over to the headstones. I placed one bouquet on Nana's grave and one on Poppy's, then noticed something I had never realized before. My poppy had passed away back in 2006, on February 21st. I remember Nana passing away 2 years later, but before today I didn't realize she passed on the exact same day as Poppy. The funny thing is I was at both funerals, but I guess I was just too distraught to notice the actual date they both died. It made me think about how Nana used to tell me that when you really love someone, a part of you dies with them, and that's why a lot of couples who have been together for years die within as little as months of each other. I knelt down next to the graves and started crying my eyes out. When I regained my composure, I decided I was going to talk to the wind, hoping Nana and Poppy were listening. "I miss you both so much. A lot has happened since you left this world. I still own the house and use it as a getaway spot when life gets a little rough. I've reconnected with Scarlett, Declan, and Dad, and learned about Anthony and Mom. And I met these two amazing guys, one of whom I am engaged to. We're getting married on your anniversary next year. Poppy, you would love him and his brother. They both hunt just like you and Dad. I really wish you were both still here. I love you." There was a tree located right next to Poppy's grave, so I made myself comfortable and sat there in silence for quite some time. I was startled by the sound of my cell phone ringing. "Hello?" "Hey pumpkin," Dad said. "Where are you?" "Visiting Nana and Poppy," I told him. "I had a feeling, but I wanted to make sure before I actually drove out there." "I'm here," I said. "Not planning on leaving anytime soon." "We'll see you shortly," he said. "Love you, baby girl." I know what you're thinking and yes, the car insurance company replaced my dad's truck at full value after that nasty accident. He was able to get a bigger truck with better safety features. It didn't take him long to find me, since I saw that shiny new truck pulling up behind the car only twenty minutes later. Sam was the first one out of the truck, making his way over to where I was sitting. "Are you ok, babe?" he asked. "I'm just emotional right now, that's all," I told him. "Why didn't you wait for us to get home to come here?" he asked. "You shouldn't be here alone." "I'm a big girl, Sam," I was a little upset. "I think I can handle being at my grandparents' graves alone." "I have no doubt in my mind about that," he said. "I was talking about being in a cemetery alone, given some of the things you've seen in the past 3 years." I never even thought about that, honestly. Sam was right. I had seen way too many crazy things, supernatural or not, since I met the boys. Using the buddy system probably would have been a good idea. "I'm sorry, baby," I told him. "That was the farthest thing from my mind. I promise you that the next time I want to visit, I will make sure you or Dean are around." I gave him a hug and he said, "I love you, sweetie. You know it kills me when something bad happens to you." "I feel the same way about you," I said. "Every time I see you in a hospital bed or with a nasty cut, it breaks my heart." "That's called love," Dean interrupted. "Sorry to break up your love fest, but Jim needs to get going home and he would like to say goodbye to his daughter." Sam helped me up and I made my way over to Dad's truck. "You alright, pumpkin?" he asked. "Yeah," I told him. "I said my peace and now I'm going to go home with my boys and relax." "Good," he smiled. "Come give your old dad a hug." I walked over and gave him a hug, he kissed my forehead and said, "I'll be back in a few days to see how you're holding up. I love you, baby girl." "Love you too, Dad," I said. "Get home safe." After Dad drove off, I walked back over to the boys, who were now standing next to Baby. "Can we pick up something to eat on the way home?" I asked. "And maybe get some ice cream, too?" "Whatever your heart desires, princess," Dean said. "What kind of food are we talking about?" "We haven't had pizza in a while," I suggested. "I could definitely go for some pizza myself," Sam said. "Pizza and ice cream it is," Dean agreed. As the car pulled away, I turned to look out the back window, blowing kisses in the direction of Nana and Poppy's graves. "I'll visit again soon," I whispered.

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