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Only three days had passed since Dean and I had witnessed Sam's drunken anger. Even though I had forgiven Sam for what happened, I couldn't get the image out of my head. On top of that, my jaw still hurt from the impact of Sam's fist. His punch was meant for Dean, but the man couldn't even stand up straight, let alone keep his arm straight. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Dean kept asking me if I wanted to go to the doctor, have it checked out, but I refused. My jaw was not broken, just bruised. I could deal. I was in the kitchen making myself a glass of chocolate milk when I heard the front door open and close. Making my way out into the living room, I was greeted by Sam and Dean, who both looked like they had a rough day at the office. "Have you two been to Hell again?" I joked. "Ran into a pack of werewolves," Dean said. "Nothing we couldn't handle." "How was your day, sweetie?" Sam asked. "Boring," I admitted. "There was nothing to watch on television, and I got bored with my puzzle books. I was just about to drink my chocolate milk and head up to take a shower, but you two look like you could use it more." "There ARE two bathrooms, princess," Dean teased. "Sam can wait while you go use yours." "Why do I have to wait? Sam asked. "I can share the shower with my baby." Dean laughed. "I may be older than you, but I'm not blind. Sammi may have forgiven you for the other night, but her body language says she's still a little scared to get close to you." "We sleep in the same bed, Dean," Sam said. "I think I would have noticed." "Do you really think that, Sam?" Dean asked. "How many times in the last three days has she slept in your arms?" Sam got eerily quiet, then Dean turned his attention to me. "Go ahead and take that shower, princess. My brother can wait." I took my glass of chocolate milk up the stairs and made my way to my room. I took a sip and placed it on my night stand. I undressed myself, started up the shower, and climbed in. Dean had been right about everything. I HAD forgiven Sam...I had even hugged him that night to let him know that I was going to move past this incident, yet for the last three days I hadn't even let him cuddle with me. He had sworn to both me and Dean that he would never drink like that again, so why was I still so shaken up? Even the sweetest people on the planet have bad sides; some are just better at hiding theirs than others. I missed Sam's touch. I needed to just let it go, right? I pulled open the shower door and yelled, "Sam!" I listened as he ran up the stairs and into the bedroom. He made his way into the bathroom and asked, "Are you alright, babe? Did you fall and hurt yourself?" "No," I told him. "I just realized that something was missing from my shower." "What would that be?" he asked. "Soap? Shampoo?" I smiled at him and said, "You." "Really?" he asked, smiling back. "I miss your touch," I told him. "I forgave you three days ago, and you swore nothing like that would ever happen again. I don't know why I still felt so afraid. I'm saying screw it. It's in the past. Now get undressed and get in here with me." I don't think I have ever seen anyone in my lifetime undress as fast as Sam did that day. He joined me in the shower, helped me wash my hair and scrub my back, and I returned the favor. I turned to face him and motioned for him to kiss me. We may have started making out in the shower, but we ultimately ended up in the bed. Later that evening, after we had finally changed into our pajamas, we went downstairs to join Dean for some take out. "So did you two finally kiss and make up?" he asked. "We did that three days ago," I reminded him. "I apologized to your brother for being so scared to let him love me." "I can't really blame you, baby," Sam said. "That guy you saw three days ago was not me. I had never drank that much before, and I can tell you I will never drink that much ever again." "Let's just move on, shall we?" Dean suggested. "The past is the past for a reason. You two are all lovey-dovey again, so life is good again." Sam and I smiled, then I asked, "What's on the menu tonight?" "Bacon cheeseburgers, fries, and onion rings for the princess," Dean said, smiling. "Smells wonderful," I said, digging in. When we finally settled in for the night, I made myself comfortable in Sam's arms and laid my head on his chest. "Three days without this felt like an eternity," I said. "For the record, I did notice that you weren't letting me touch you," Sam stated. "And I agree. It did feel like a really long time." "I have another confession to make," I said. "I haven't really slept well these last few days." "Neither did I," Sam said. "I promise that even if I DO see that side of you again, I won't let it change my opinion of you," I swore. "I know the real you, and that's enough for me." "Can you also promise me that IF that side of me ever comes out again, you will run away before anything bad happens?" Sam asked. "I was trying to do that this time," I admitted. "I wasn't fast enough." He and I shared a good laugh before falling asleep in each other's arms.

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