Sammi's New Hobby

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Two weeks after my latest surgery, I was still in some pain and could not really do much more than shower and cook. Once again, Dean and Sam stepped in and helped with the housework when they weren't out hunting with Dad. I was getting seriously bored with everything I was watching on television, and my writing only kept me busy for so long. What could I do to pass the time?? I had the car, so I went to the grocery store and bought every kind of fruit I could think of that would make for good pie. I bought flour, sugar, eggs, butter, and everything else I would need to make the crust. I also picked up three or four new pie pans to accompany the two or three I already had. Dean was going to be happy, that was certain...Sam, on the other hand, might think I finally went insane. At this point, I honestly didn't care. I needed something to do, and I was good at cooking and baking so why not take advantage of those skills? I picked up a few other things, put them in my cart, and made my way to the check out line. After paying for my items, I thanked both my cashier and the bagger and made my way back out to the car. I placed my bags on the front seat next to me and took off for home again. When I got all settled in the kitchen with my ingredients, I went to work mixing up pie crust. While I let that sit and settle, I started mixing the different fillings: cherry, blueberry, apple, peach, raspberry, banana cream, key lime, strawberry rhubarb. I set the oven to preheat and went to work shaping the crust into the pans. It was a lot of work, yes, but it was keeping me busy and it was actually kind of fun. I poured my fillings into the crusts, then went to work cutting the remaining crust into strips. I was going to attempt to make lattice-shaped pies. I covered all but the banana cream and the key lime and set them in the oven to bake. As I was setting the kitchen timer for 45 minutes, my phone went off. "Hello sweetie," I answered, not even looking at the caller ID. "Hey baby," Sam said. "Did you find something to keep yourself entertained today?" "I actually did," I told him. "It's a surprise, though. You and Dean will see when you get home." "That's actually why I'm calling," he said. "You haven't started cooking dinner yet, have you?" I looked at my watch. It was already 3:30. "No," I answered. "Did you have a request?" "Your dad did," Sam said. "We'll be stopping to pick up dinner before we come home. He wants pizza." "That's fine with me," I told him. After all this baking I had done, I honestly didn't feel like cooking dinner anyway. "We're going to be leaving here in a few minutes," Sam said. "We should be home around 5:30." "I'll have plates and napkins waiting on the table," I replied. "I love you, babe," Sam said. "I love you more," I told him. Our little conversation only killed about ten minutes, so I went into the living room and picked up some of my puzzle books to keep me busy until the timer went off. I got halfway through one of my books when I heard the buzzing coming from the kitchen. I turned off the oven, lined my counter top with paper bags, then lined the pies up along the counter. I went to work making the whipped topping for the banana cream and key lime pies. Since I needed to wait for them to cool down, I made sure the front door was locked and went upstairs to take a quick shower. I changed into some comfortable clothes and went back down to the kitchen. As promised, I set out some plates and napkins on the dining room table for when the boys got home with dinner, then I went back out to the living room and switched the television on. I got caught up watching a movie and lost track of time, almost forgetting that I still needed to finish two of my pies. I made my way back into the kitchen and layered some whipped topping on the banana cream pie and the key lime pie. I finished just in time to hear the front door open and the boys talking about that day's hunt. I made my way out to the dining room and said, "Welcome home." Dean spoke first. "Something smells really good. Sam told us you didn't have any dinner prepared." "I don't," I told him. "It smells more like someone was baking," Dad said. "Why don't we just eat dinner first?" I told them. The four of us each grabbed a plate and a slice (or two) of pizza and enjoyed some iced tea. When everyone had eaten what they could, I got up and started to clear the table. "I got this," Dean said, motioning for me to sit down. He picked up the plates and made his way into the kitchen..."Eeeee!" we heard him screech. I giggled. Sam looked at me and said, "What in the world was that?" "That was the sound of your brother walking into Heaven," I told him. Dean came running back out of the kitchen, looked at me and said, "I love you!" Dad looked at me and said, "You were baking today, we already established that. What baked goods make Dean so crazy?" Sam finally put two and two together, started laughing and answered, "She baked a pie." "Not A pie, Sammy," Dean told him. "Eight pies." "Woah," Dad said. "You really WERE busy today." "This latest surgery has me in a funk," I told them. "I can cook and shower, but not much of anything else. So I went to the store, picked up a few things, and I baked some pies." "Eight pies," Dean repeated. "That was the surprise you were talking about on the phone earlier," Sam realized. I just nodded my head, then turned to my dad. "Thanks for dinner. It was nice having you here." "I will be by sometime tomorrow to see how you're doing," he said. He kissed my forehead, waved to the boys and left. "I'm a little tired," I told the boys. "I think I'm going to head up to bed." "I'll be up to join you shortly, baby," Sam said. I gave him a kiss and told him, "Just make sure your brother doesn't go into sugar shock." We laughed, kissed one more time, and I made my way up the stairs to the bedroom.

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