Life As We Know It

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The morning after I found out I was pregnant, Marissa was the first one awake. She quietly knocked on our door, which Sam got to first. "Good morning," she said. "I hope I didn't wake you." "We've been up for a while," I admitted. "How are you feeling today?" she asked. "Like I could eat a horse," I replied. "Did you need help cooking breakfast?" "If you'd like to help, I wouldn't say no," she smiled. "We can both help," Sam said. The three of us headed into the kitchen and got to work cooking. Marissa manned the stove while Sam and I mixed batter and chopped up onions and peppers to go with the eggs. I found some oranges and a juicer and I made some homemade orange juice while Sam took care of the coffee. Dad and Dean were just coming down the stairs as we finished setting out the last of the food on the dining room table. "Look who decided to finally wake up," I teased. "Good morning, sleepyheads," Marissa said. Dad walked over and gave her a kiss, then asked, "Why didn't you wake me? I would've helped with breakfast." "We took care of it, Jim," Sam said. "We were awake anyway." "You're my son-in-law now, Sam," Dad told him. "You can call me Dad." "I'll remember that for next time," Sam winked. "Are we going to eat sometime today?" Dean asked. "I know I'm starving." We all took our places at the table and had a quiet meal. I wound up eating so much food I thought I was going to explode, and I'm pretty sure almost everyone noticed. The only one who might have missed it was Dad. Dean wound up being the first one to say something about it, though. "Damn, princess. You trying to compete with me? We literally just went plate for plate." Marissa and Sam both gave me that "just tell them already" look, but before I could get the words out, I felt the urge to run to the bathroom. I knew I wouldn't get there in time, so I headed for the kitchen instead, reaching the garbage just in time. I heard Sam tell Marissa to come check on me, then Dean asked, "Was it something I said?" "Maybe you should get her to the doctor, Sam," Dad suggested. "She's been sick since she got back from Disney." "She already went to the doctor yesterday," Sam told him. "She's not sick." "Bullshit," Dean said. "She can't keep anything down and she's been sleeping a lot. If she's not sick, there has to be something else wrong with her." "There is nothing WRONG with her, Dean," Sam told his brother. That's when Dad decided to join the conversation. "I think I know what's going on here," he said. At this point, Marissa and I had made our way back into the dining room. Dad looked over at me and mouthed the word "Grandpa?" and pointed to himself. I nodded my head and watched as he smiled from ear to ear. Dean was still clueless. "I don't get it. She eats like a grown-ass man all of a sudden, but can't seem to keep it down. She's sick, but not sick. The only other thing it could be is..." At this point, all eyes were on Dean, waiting to hear what he was about to say. He looked from Sam to me then back to Sam. "No," he said. "It couldn't be." "Couldn't be what, Dean?" Sam asked. "Am I going to be an uncle?!" he exclaimed. "Are you pregnant, princess???" I smiled at him and said, "Guilty as charged." Dean jumped up out of his chair and pulled me and Sam in for a group hug. "This is so exciting! Another Winchester to add to the crew. Although, I figured you guys would have waited a little longer." "It definitely wasn't planned," I said, "but then again, you can't plan miracles in advance." "Tell him when he can expect to meet his future niece or nephew," Sam said. "Sometime in January," I explained. "The doctor said mid to end of January, but we all know that's just a rough estimate." "So you're saying there's a possibility this kid could share a birthday with Uncle Dean?" Dean asked. "It COULD happen, yes," Sam said. "There's a possibility the baby could come early. It happens. For now, let's just worry about making sure Sammi is taken care of. Obviously she's experiencing some nasty morning sickness." "You guys are welcome to stay here a few more days," Marissa told us. "That would be great," I said. "I don't really feel like making Dean stop the car every five minutes." The five of us agreed that we would stay for a few more days, see how I felt at that point, and then take it day to day from there. The next eight months were going to be rough for all of us, mostly for me, but in the end it was all going to be worth it. Life as we knew it from this point on was going to get a little more chaotic, but we were up for the challenge.

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