Sam's Special Day

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I was still in awe of everything the boys and Dad had done for my birthday a week later that I almost forgot that Sam's birthday was so close to mine. Luckily for me, Dean had already started planning some fun things for us to do with Sam, too. "Do you need anything from me?" I asked him, hoping he would allow me to help. "Yes," Dean said, handing me the keys to Baby. "Go out and get Sam a nice present from you. Let me handle the rest." "You, Sam, and my dad planned this awesome birthday surprise for me and you're telling me you don't need any help planning Sam's birthday surprise?" I asked, a little bummed. "You trust me, don't you princess?" Dean replied. "Of course I do," I told him. "Good," he said. "Now go do what I told you to." Giving Dean a hug, I walked out to the car and drove off to the mall. After parking the car, I walked into the lobby and wondered where to start. What else did Sam need? He wasn't expecting anything from me for Christmas, yet I bought him a new watch. Should I look for clothes? Jewelry? Electronics? I decided to go with clothes only because I couldn't really think of anything else he might need. I went to about four different clothing stores, and walked out with five shirts, three pairs of jeans, a few bags of socks, and two new sweatshirts. I may have gone a little overboard, but Sam was completely worth it. On my way back to the lobby, I noticed there was a gift wrapping center set up in the middle of the mall. Usually I would wrap my own gifts, but I noticed that they were asking for donations to be given to the American Cancer Society. Since I now knew I lost my mother to cancer, I decided to make a donation to help the cause. In return, they wrapped all my gifts for me. After thanking the women working the wrapping table, I made my way back out to the car and drove home. When I walked in the door, Dean had the entire first floor decorated with balloons, streamers, banners, and confetti. "Don't worry," he said. "I will clean all of it up when the day is over." "I wasn't worried," I told him. "Where's the birthday boy?" "Your dad was in town, so I asked him to take Sam out for lunch," Dean said. "It should give us enough time to bake him a cake." "Why don't you let me handle the baking?" I suggested. "You go relax for a little while." Dean wasn't about to argue with that idea, so he went out into the living room while I made my way into the kitchen, placing Sam's gifts on the dining room table. About an hour later, the cake was completely finished, decorated and all, and I had joined Dean in the living room. We heard the door open, and we both stood up as Sam walked in. "Surprise!" we said in unison. "It's not Disney World, but I have a few things planned if you're up for it," Dean said. "You know I don't need anything other than to be here with you and Sammi," Sam told him. Dean rolled his eyes. "No wonder you two make a perfect couple. You think exactly the same." I walked over to Sam and gave him a hug and a kiss. "Happy Birthday, babe," I said. "How was lunch with Dad?" "It was nice," he admitted. "We mostly talked about you." "No wonder why my ears were ringing!" I said, laughing. "So what do you have planned, big brother?" Sam asked Dean. "A movie and some mini golf," Dean replied. "Sounds great," Sam said. We hopped in the car and Dean drove us to the mini golf course first. Sam got a round free since it was his birthday, so of course we took advantage of that. We took our time playing each hole, but as usual we didn't keep score. It was a very close game, but Sam won (and no, Dean and I DID not purposely let him win). Dean checked his watch. "If we leave now, we can make the 3 o'clock shows." Once again, we got into the car and Dean drove us over to the mall. We got up to the ticket booth and Dean asked, "What movie would YOU like to see, Sammy?" "I don't have a preference," Sam said, turning to me. "Anything you want to see, babe?" "It's YOUR birthday," I reminded him. "I know," he said with a smile. "Just answer the question." "Well, I have one in mind," I said, "but I don't know if Dean's going to like it." "I will suffer through a chick flick for one day," Dean said. "As long as my brother is happy, I can survive." Sam and I both laughed, then I said, "I want to see The Lucky One." Dean walked over to the guy in the booth and asked for three tickets to the 3 o'clock show. We made our way into the theater and sat down. When the movie was over, I turned to Dean and said, "Thank you for suffering through that." "You're welcome," he said, "but you should really be thanking the birthday boy for letting you choose the movie." I turned to Sam and said, "Thanks, babe, for being gracious enough to let me pick the movie." He gave me a kiss and replied, "It was no big deal. There wasn't really anything I wanted to see anyway." "I'm a little hungry," Dean interrupted. "You two lovebirds want to go get some dinner?" "Only if we can take it home," Sam said. "I would like to be able to relax while I eat." "Chinese?" Dean suggested. "Yes," Sam replied. "Sweetie?" "Sounds wonderful," I said. Dean called the restaurant and placed our order so it would be ready by the time we got there. We left the mall and headed back toward home, stopping only to pick up our food. After we had finished dinner, I cleared the table and brought out the gifts I had got for Sam. "You didn't have to get me anything, babe," he said. "I know I didn't have to," I told him. "I wanted to." He opened every last gift, thanking me by saying, "You can never have enough clothes." I teased him. "It's just more stuff for me to borrow." "You know you can borrow my clothes anytime you want," he said, completely serious. "Ahem," Dean interrupted. "I believe Sammi has one more surprise for the birthday boy." The cake! "I sure do," I said, excusing myself from the table. I opened every drawer in the kitchen searching for some candles to use on the cake. Lucky for me, Nana had a stash of candles in the drawer underneath the microwave. I threw some on the cake, lit them, then walked out to the dining room. Dean and I sang "Happy Birthday" and watched as Sam blew out the candles. "Did you bake this?" he asked me. "From scratch," I said. "The frosting is also homemade, and I decorated it myself." "It looks amazing, sweetie," Sam told me. "Thank you. And thank you too, Dean, for an awesome day. I really appreciate it." "We only get one birthday a year," Dean said. "It should be celebrated properly." As the night wound down, Dean kept his promise and cleaned up all the decorations, and I took Sam upstairs for his last surprise of the night....

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