Celebrate Good Times

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We entered the reception in true fashion, with a DJ announcing our arrival and introducing us officially, for the first time, as "Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Winchester." Since Sam and I didn't really have a special song, we allowed Dean to choose one for us. I honestly could not disagree with his choice; "Love of a Lifetime" by Firehouse was definitely a perfect tune for us. After our first dance, I requested that Dean join me on the dance floor. He looked a little surprised, but he accepted my invitation. I took the microphone from the DJ for a moment, then said, "Since Dean picked our first dance song, I wanted to return the favor and choose a song for he and I to dance to." The DJ turned on "Eye of the Tiger" and Dean's face lit up like a Christmas tree. While I danced with Dean, I invited everyone else to join in on the fun. Sam and Cas were the only two who stayed back, watching the chaos on the dance floor. Just when I thought I was finally going to get to sit down for a few minutes, my sister and brother walked over to the DJ booth and requested a song. Scarlett signaled for Sam to come join us. Now I'm not a big fan of country music, not quite sure the boys are either, but I heard that first note of "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts and I started tearing up a little. Declan took my hand and danced with me while Scarlett danced with Sam. I knew that I had one more dance to look forward to, and that would be the father-daughter dance. I was pretty sure my dad had already chosen a song, but I didn't know what to expect. When Sam and I finished dancing with my siblings, he gave me a kiss and walked back to his seat. My dad made his way onto the dance floor, and the DJ played "Daddy's Little Girl." There wasn't a dry eye in the place as Dad and I danced. When we finished, I was finally allowed to join my husband at the table. As dinner was being served, Dean stood up and said, "I'd like to make a toast. To my little brother Sam and his beautiful bride Sammi, I wish you all the happiness in the world. Thank you, Sam, for giving me a sister. And Sammi, thank you for loving not only my brother but me too. We aren't the easiest guys to love. To Sam and Sammi!" Everyone raised their glasses in approval and then went to work eating their dinners. After letting enough time pass, I decided to get back out on the dance floor and have some fun. I urged everyone to join me, but not everyone was feeling up to dancing. A few songs in, the DJ decided to slow it down a little, so I walked over and grabbed myself a dancing partner. Sam winked at me as I escorted Castiel onto the floor. As we began dancing, Cas said, "You should be dancing with Sam." "I'll have plenty of time to dance with Sam," I told him. "Everyone needs to be on this dance floor at least once tonight." Cas smiled and we continued to dance. Marissa had decided that Sam needed to be on the floor dancing too, so she asked him to dance with her. The next song was a slow song too, and I was so lost in the moment that I didn't realize Dean had asked Castiel if he could "cut in". By the end of the night, I had slow danced with pretty much every one (yes, including my sister's husband). We got so caught up in the fun that we almost forgot about the cake. Sam and I decided to get creative, and rather than smash each other in the face with cake, we both got Dean. We'll just say that by the time everyone had been served their cake, they were all covered with it. The only one who came out unscathed was me, but only because no one wanted to ruin my dress. We all had a good laugh, and thankfully the remainder of the evening went off without any problems what so ever. After Scarlett, Drew, Declan, Grandma, Grandpa, and Castiel all said their goodbyes and left us, Sam and I offered to help Dad, Marissa, and Dean clean up. "Oh no you don't," Marissa said. "It's your wedding night. You two go and enjoy what's left of it. The three of us can handle this." "Listen to the lady," Dean agreed. "Get out of here. You two kids have fun!" "We'll see you back at the house," Dad said. "Love you both." We gave them all hugs and took the limo back to Dad's. We made our way into the bedroom and sat down on the bed. "I can't believe we're finally married," I told Sam. "It feels like a dream come true." "You looked absolutely gorgeous today," he said. "You literally took my breath away. Dean said the same thing." "Don't get used to this," I told him, pointing to the dress. "Although, I MAY wear a dress every now and then, if you're lucky." "How about we get you out of that dress?" he suggested. "I thought you'd never ask," I smiled. Sam helped me unzip the dress and I watched as it fell to the ground. He turned me to face him and said, "I love you, Mrs. Winchester." "I love you more, Mr. Winchester," I told him. We ended our night just as you would expect, and woke up the next morning to the smell of Dad and Marissa's famous breakfast buffet.

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