The Day After

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As much as Dean had tried to talk to me after I locked myself in my room, I still couldn't believe he would play such a cruel joke. April Fool's Day or not, messing with someone's emotions the way he had with mine was just wrong. The next morning, Dean tried once again to apologize, admitting he was a dick, that he was completely wrong in pulling such a prank, and promising it would never happen again. He offered to take me out to breakfast, treat me to another spa day, whatever I wanted. "Stop trying to buy me," I screamed. "Just go away, please." I listened as Dean walked away from my door and closed himself in his bedroom. About an hour later, I heard the front door open, followed by Sam's voice yelling, "Anybody home?" Dean didn't answer, neither did I, and I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Someone tried to open my door, but I still had it locked. There was a knock, followed by Sam asking, "Baby, can I come in?" I got up off the bed and unlocked the door. He swept me up into his arms and gave me a big hug. "Why are you locked in the room? I thought you and Dean were having a good time?" "We were," I said. "Until I found out HE was the prankster who called me yesterday." "Wait, what?" Sam seemed confused. "The phone call about the accident, you mean?" "Yes," I told him. "Dean admitted it was a cruel April Fool's joke." "Dean's a joker, but I never thought he could pull something like this," Sam said. "We deal with accidents and death all the time. He knows it's no joke." "That's what I said," I agreed. "And he sat there and agreed with me that it was cruel." "Do you want me to talk to him?" Sam asked. "Don't bother," I told him. "He has apologized numerous times. He knows he was wrong. He even offered to take me out and spoil me. He really hurt my feelings, baby. I can't even look at him right now. And to pull you into it, so to speak, that's what really got my blood boiling." "Do you want to get out of the house for a little bit?" he suggested. "It will give you a little more time to calm down." "How can you be so calm about it?" I asked him. "You should be just as furious." "I am upset with him," he said. "What he did was very wrong. He could have played a more tasteful joke. But I know my brother. It takes a lot for him to admit when he's wrong, so if he has apologized numerous times already, believe me, he knows he screwed up severely." "So I should just forgive him?" I asked. "Just like that?" "You forgave me pretty quickly after that drunken incident," he reminded me. "But that was a complete accident!" I said. "I understand that," Sam told me, "but that was almost as bad as this. And yes, I know it's a little different because you and I are in love, but my point is that we both know what kind of person you are. You aren't capable of hatred or holding grudges. You're going to forgive him eventually. Why not get it over and done with?" Excuse the term, but I hated the fact that Sam was absolutely right about everything. I didn't hold grudges and I was incapable of hating anyone. As harsh as Dean's joke was, he HAD apologized numerous times, and as Sam said it DID take a lot for Dean to admit he was wrong. "Why do you have to be the sensible one?" I asked. "Someone has to keep the peace," he smiled. I gave him a kiss and excused myself from the room. I made my way across the hall to Dean's room and knocked on the door. "It's open," he called from inside. I turned the knob and opened the door, and the look on his face told me that he was expecting anyone but me. "Can I sit down?" I asked him. He moved over to make room for me next to him on the bed. I took a seat and looked directly at him. "The joke you played yesterday was severely harsh. You really hurt my feelings. And to bring your own brother AND my dad into it the way you did hurt even more. You, of all people, should know that jokes about accidents and death are a big no no. And yes, I know we discussed this last night, so I apologize for repeating myself. I just expect so much better from you, Dean. But according to Sam, it's very hard for you to admit when you're wrong, so for you to apologize over and over, and offer to make it right, makes me believe that you DID see the error of your ways. Plus we all know that I can't stay mad at anyone for too long, even after a prank like this. It's going to take me a while to forget this ever happened, but I forgive you. You're too important to me for me to continue being upset with you." He gave me a hug and said, "Thank you, princess. And again, I truly am sorry about the whole thing. If I had thought it through better, I never would have gone through with such a prank, I promise you that. Sam is very lucky to have someone as understanding as you. Hell, I'M lucky to have you in my life too." "In case I don't say it enough, I'm actually the lucky one here," I told him. "I'm finally understanding who I am and where I come from, and it wouldn't have happened if I hadn't met you and Sam. You guys are my world. I hope you know that, even with everything that happened yesterday." "Ditto," Dean said. He gave me another hug, then said, "Why don't we go out for dinner tonight? It'll be my treat." "That sounds like a wonderful idea," I told him. Sam knocked on the door. "Everything alright in here?" "Everything is just fine," I told him. "So you two are best friends again?" he teased. "Everything is sunshine and rainbows," Dean laughed. I playfully hit him and said, "You're a dork." "This is what I like to see," Sam smiled. He walked over to where we were sitting and initiated a group hug. Regardless of everything that had happened the day before, I truly was lucky to have Sam and Dean in my life.

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