Back To Good

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The end of June had finally arrived, and it was time for me to go and get my ribs checked out. I hadn't felt any pain in about a week, so I was hoping that was a good sign. Dean was out hunting with my Dad, Sam had stayed behind to go to my appointment with me. Before we got in the car he asked me if I wanted to drive, but I declined. We got to the hospital around noon, and the doctor took us in right away. He had Sam wait in an actual hospital room while he took me to get new x-rays. "You can go and join your fiance in the other room while I wait for the x-rays," he told me. I walked down the hall and sat on Sam's lap. "How are you feeling today, babe?" he asked. "Much better," I said. "I haven't really felt any pain in about a week, so I'm hoping that means I am in the clear." "I bet you can't wait to get back to your normal routine," Sam teased. "You joke, but I truly am ready to go back to cooking and cleaning," I told him. The doctor came walking in a few moments later. "Good news," he said. "Your ribs have completely healed. You can go back to your regular activities." "Thank you once again, doctor," I said. "Hopefully we will not be seeing you again any time soon." "You know where to find me if you need me," he said with a smile. "Can I treat you to lunch, sweetie?" Sam asked. "That would be great," I said. "We haven't gone out by ourselves in quite some time." "The diner sound good to you?" he asked. "Sounds wonderful," I said with a smile. Since we were alone, we took our time at lunch. We sat there for about an hour or two, enjoying the quality time away from Dean. Don't get me wrong, we love Dean, but every now and then we deserve to have a little "us" time. And I don't just mean when we go to bed each night. After lunch, I wasn't quite ready to go home, so I said, "Why don't we go to the fun park? You know, the place with the go karts and the batting cages?" "I think that's a great idea," Sam agreed. We got to the fun park about an hour later. I wanted to ride the go karts first, so Sam paid for our tickets and we each got into a kart. We were having so much fun that the guy operating the track let us go around as many times as we wanted. One can only go around in circles for so long, though, before they get bored (or dizzy). Sam suggested we head over to the batting cages next. "Ladies first," he offered. I grabbed a helmet and a bat and headed into the softball cage. I'm pretty sure I connected with every single ball that came my way. When I finished, I walked back out to where Sam was standing and put the bat and the helmet back. "That was amazing, baby," he said. "I don't think I can compete with that." "No one said this was a competition, sweetie," I told him. "Just go in there and have fun." Sam grabbed himself a helmet and a bat and went into the same cage I had just come out of. I watched as he connected with all but about three of the balls that came his way. He made his way back out to where I was and returned his bat and helmet. "You did great," I told him. "Thanks, babe," he said with a smile. "Where to next?" "How about we head home now? It's starting to get late." I said. He looked at his watch. "We've been here for three hours?? Wow. Time really does fly when you're having fun." We walked back out to the car and headed back to the house. When we got home, I went straight to the kitchen and started dinner. It felt so good to finally be able to cook again. Sam called from the living room, "Do you need any help, sweetheart?" "I'm good," I called back. I had the table set and dinner sitting in the middle when Dean showed up about an hour later. As we sat down to eat, he looked at me and asked, "How was your day, princess? Did you get good news?" "I did," I told him. "My ribs are completely healed, and Sam and I went out to celebrate." "Well I am happy to hear that," Dean said. "And I'm so thankful for this delicious food." Sam and I both laughed. "How was YOUR day, Dean?" I asked. "Did you and Dad kick some ass?" "Of course we did," he answered. "What kind of question is that?" All three of us laughed, then Sam offered to do the dishes. "I'll get them," Dean said. "You two kids go and enjoy some more alone time. You don't get it very often." Neither Sam nor I could argue with that. We headed upstairs to the bedroom, changed into our pajamas, and got comfortable in the bed. Sam turned on the television, found a movie for us to watch, and we cuddled until we both passed out.

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