The Beginning

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"Honey, Sweetie. Wake up. You're going to be late for the academy." I heard my mother's sweet voice.

I opened my eyes to see her shaking me a bit. "Oh, good morning mother." I said half asleep half awake."That's right today I go to the academy." I mumbled to myself and fell back to sleep. Almost instantly I woke up. "That's right, today I go to the academy!" I said while getting up to take a shower. After that I changed into my clothes and brushed my teeth.

I went down stairs seeing my father looking at the local newspaper. "Hello, Father." I said cheerfully and taking a seat next to him. "What's for breakfast mom?"

"Miso soup with white rice." She said handing my plate. "

"Whoa, slow down Akina, don't want to get sick on the first day." My father said.

"Oh sorry, It's just I really want to get started on being a ninja! The lessons I have with you are cool, but when do I start going on missions!" I said while finishing up my breakfast.

"Oh well, I gotta go bye!"

"Wait," I heard my father say.


"You can not have a boyfriend okay, so don't even think about it!" "You aren't allowed to date until you're married! Understood?"

"Father, I'm only 10." I reminded him and kissed his forehead. "Goodbye!" I said while running towards the academy.


"Okay class, Please take your seats." Iruka sensei said.

I sat next to this really nice girl, Hinata, and a boy with a - Oh my god! He has a dog. Dogs are my weakness! Oh no!! Stay calm Akina, Just ask if you can pet him. No! I came here to learn, not to pet dogs! I calmed myself down, but then the little cute white dog decided that it needed more attention so it jumped off the boy's head... Onto my lap. Stay calm. I couldn't resist anymore.

"Hello little cute thing." I said while the dog just curled up on my lap. "Oh, sorry about that." the boy said and took the dog. "No it's okay, I don't mind." I said while petting the white dog. "His name is Akamaru." The boy said. As soon as he started talking my lovable, nice mood turned off.

"Hn." I simply said.

I guess the boy didn't get the hint and started talking anyways. "My name is Kiba. What's yours?"

"Akina." I said and he finally stopped talking.

Iruka sensei was now yelling at a kid with spikey, yellow hair. I looked at the boy and suddenly images came through my mind. Him alone on a swing set. People looking at him in disgust. The way they were looking at him was scary. A monster fox with nine tails. The footage was going to an end, but then an image of the Fourth Hokage.


Iruka sensei was now testing us to see where we are in training. Sasuke Uchiha was up first. He was good. What am I saying, he did amazing, but the way he acts it's just scary. All the girls were fangirling over him and he just shrugged them off. What a jerk.

I went up next to get it all over with and I did just as good as Sasuke, and all the boys were looking at me with hearts in their eyes. I looked at Sasuke and he was staring at me with wide eyes and a mouth open. I looked at him in a confused way and he turned back to normal.

We were almost halfway done with the test and it was Naruto's turn. They all looked at him like they wanted him gone. Even Iruka sensei. I guess Naruto knew how they were looking at him, so he started saying things like he was going to become Hokage. He went up and threw the kunai and missed the target completely.

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