I Just Want To Run

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5 weeks later...

Naruto and I have been really close lately. He would be at my house or we would just be somewhere else. We were at the park and Iruka sensei needed to talk to Naruto so I began walking home. I felt strange because I felt like something bad was going to happen which made me run home.

I got home, took of my shoes and looked to see if anyone was home. I went to my mother and father's bedroom and saw a man that looked just like Sasuke. I was about to go inside, but my Managan acted up. I saw pictures of my parent on the floor bleeding, looking sad. I felt tears coming up. I ran outside to seek help because I knew I was no match for him. I ran to the Hokage tower. I ran, not bothering to knock first, inside the Hokage's room.

"3rd Hokage please help! Someone is in my house and is attacking my parents. Please! Please help them!" I felt weak. My eyes slowly closing. I woke up. I saw the person who attacked my parents. He had the Sharingan. Was I in a genjutsu?

"Stupid little girl." He said. and kicked me to the wall.

"Are you Akina Arai?" He asked.

I didn't want to respond.

"Oh, cat got your tongue?"

"I'll ask again, Are you Akina Arai?" He said a little louder.

I just nodded. His eyes seemed to soften.

"I won't take you now. I want you to become stronger. I killed your parents. Now take that hatred and become stronger. I want to face you later on." When I looked at him I saw images of him killing people with the Uchiha crest. Him almost killing Sasuke. Him crying after killing his own mom and dad.

I felt heavy. Before I passed out I spoke very bravely. "Why did you do it?" and then I fainted.


I woke up in a hospital bed. I looked around and saw Naruto sleeping on the couch.

"What happened?" I asked to no one.

That made Naruto wake up.

"Oh you finally woke up Akina. He said trying to fight some tears. I knew he cared about my parents.

He went outside to go get a nurse I think.

The nurse came in with some water.

"Hello Akina. How are you feeling today?" She asked with a fake smile. I have only been talking to her for like 4 seconds and I already hate her.

"Please don't do that fake smile It make me sick." I said. The nurse seemed surprised that I said that and she left.

Naruto was just sitting on the couch and trying not to cry.



"It's okay to cry," I said.

"Why?" " I thought you said that crying shows weakne-

"Naruto come here please." I said while I patted the spot next to me.

He came and sat down with me.

As soon as he sat down I hugged him and began to cry my eyes out.


I came into the academy with only a broken arm. I saw Sasuke sitting there, emotionless. I wanted to ask him about who was the guy, but I felt that now wasn't the right time.

We were practicing on how to throw shuriken at a target. Iruka sensei said I can do it later because of my arm, but being as stubborn as always I ignored him. I threw the shuriken with my right arm and all three landed on the target. Everyone looked at me. Guys were fainting. Sasuke was just staring. Naruto was just cheering.

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