Land Of Waves

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The past few days we have been finding lost cats and pulling out weeds. My team and I are currently at the Hokage's office.

"Today's mission is going to be a D ranks mission." And the Hokage was cut of by a very loud Naruto.

"No way Old man! We have been doing D rank mission for like forever! I want a different one!" He yelled while I hit the back of his head.

"Baka! Treat the Hokage with respect!" I yelled, but slightly agreeing with Naruto.

"Alright then it will be a C rank mission. Tazuna you can come in." The Hokage said.

An old man came stumbling in with a bottle of Sake in his hand. He looked like he was on something. "Are these people going to be protecting me? They look like idiots especially the goofy looking short one." He said.

"Ha who's the short one?" Naruto asked. Sasuke, Sakura and I lined up. I was just 2 inches shorter than Sakura. Naruto almost tried to kill the bridge builder, but Kakashi-sensei stopped him. "You can't kill the man were supposed to protect." Kakashi-sensei said. I dozed off for a couple of minutes and noticing that the team was already out the door. I did the transportation jutsu to my house then back where we were supposed to meet. I took out a book and started reading because knowing Kakashi, he would be late.

I was to focussed on reading I didn't know Sasuke was right next to me.

"Hey." He mumbled.

"Hi." I said not even bothering to look up.

"SASUKE!!!!!" Sakura said with a fan girl squeal. Oh how I hate that.

"Sakura can you go molest Sasuke somewhere else please I'm trying to read." I said with a smirk when Sakura turned redder than a tomato, while Sasuke just glared at me. Omg, I love messing with them. Naruto and Kakashi came a few minutes later. Naruto was jumping around and smiling like an idiot.

"Why are you so happy?"

"Because it's the first time get to leave the village! Believe it!"

"I'm dead." Tazuna sweat dropped.

"Don't worry, I'm a jonin." Kakashi said all proud of himself.

We continued walking until we came across a puddle. Well that's strange, It's nice and clear outside. Then, two guys wrapped Kakashi with some chains and 'killed him.' I knew it was a substitution jutsu, so I didn't react. Naruto and Sakura on the other hand. I went and protected Tazuna because I knew Naruto and Sasuke got it. Well, I know Sasuke got it. Naruto just stayed there in shock while Sasuke beat the two guys.

"Good job Sakura, Sasuke and Akina. Sorry Naruto didn't think you would react that way." Kakashi said and went to talk to Tazuna. I didn't think it was buisness, so I didn't eavesdrop. Then Naruto went ranting about how brave he is and how he's going to become Hokage, which I believe. Yes, I'm like the only one who believes him. I just have this feeling that he can. Thant and I saw his future. Remember I can see the past, present, and future? Yea he's going to be Hokage. I don't want to tell him because one slip up and that dream can be a nightmare. If he knows then something bad is going to happen.

After I healed his wound Sasuke called him a scaredy cat and I called him a jerk. I look up to Naruto. Even though I might be stronger than him right now, I know he's going to become stronger. But I just don't look up to him because he's going to become stronger, It's that he's alway laughing. His smile is still real after all those years when people wanted him dead. His smile want's to make me smile.

"Akina why are you smiling?" Speaking of the devil.

"I just remember something. Don't worry about it Naruto. "

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