The Truth

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Yesterday was weird. Did Sasuke really say thanks? Why would he care? Why would he care if I liked him? Who was Itachi, why did he kill my parents. Why did he let me live. Why was he after me? So many questions no answers.

I still can't get used to living alone. At least I know what Naruto feels. If I slept I would have to put an alarm or something because my mom would wake me up. But the past few days I would just stare at the stars on the roof. I would get nightmares. The same ones. I would sleep like at 4 am and wake up at like 6 to get ready for the academy.


2 years later........... (yes I want to skip all that time to get to the point when they get put on team 7)

"Hey Naruto I see you finally made Genin." I said pointing at his headband.

"Yep aren't you excited Akina!" "We get to go on our teams today!" He yelled.

"Sorry Naruto I didn't catch that!" I yelled louder and broke into laughter.

"Team 7 Akina Arai

Sasuke Uchiha

"NO!" I screamed.

"Sakura Haruno"

"I'm dead." I said hitting y head on my table.

"and Naruto Uzumaki" Iruka sensei finished.

"I'm totally dead.."

' Kakashi will be the sensei for team 7"

"No, not that pervert!" I'm so so so soo dead!


We went to meet him at the roof.

"Alright why not you introduce your selves." Kakashi sounded really bored.

"Introduce our selves?" "Well what are we supposed to say?"Sakura repeated.

I'm so bored out of my mind. I thought.

"Things you like. Things you hate. Dreams for the future. Hobbies. Things like that." He explained.

"Why don't you tell us stuff first. So we can see how it works." Naruto naive as always.

" I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like, thing I hate. I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future. Never really thought of that. As for my hobbies, I have lots."

"That was totally useless all he did was tell us his name." Sakura complaind.

"Okay now you go." "The one on the right.

"Im Naruto Uzumaki. I like instant ramen in a cup. and I really like the ramen Iruka sensei gets me. But I hate the 3 minutes you have to wait for the ramen. My hobbie is eating different kinds of ramen. And my future dream is TO BECOME HOKAGE!" Naruto said. I just sighed.

"Alright next."

"I'm Sakura Haruno. What I like- uh I mean the person I like is-uh my hobbie is uh- and she kept on giggling. It's so annoying.

"Alright next."

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate alot of things. And I don't paritculary like anything. What I have is not a dream because I will make it into a reality. I'm going to restore my clan and destroy a certain someone." Wow he almost made me scared. Almost!

"okay last one." Kakashi said and pointed at me.

"This is stupid. Uh. My name Is Akina Arai. I like things. I hate perverts like you, I glared at Kakashi, I hate jerks like you, and glared at Sasuke, I hate girls you are over obsess with guys, I glared at Sakura, I hate it how Naruto yells a lot, but I put up with it. Hobbie non of your concern. My dream to make people fear me. After I said that everyone except Naruto was looking at me with wide eyes. Naruto was just laughing.

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